
"COOL AS ICE" clips never get old.

good question. i've been on a hunt for their Sid & Nancy and it's ridiculous.

You had to call the number and turn it into a purchase instead of a rental!

Fentanyl is highly, highly, highly addictive. The shit is no joke, and the impact of taking it shouldn't be understated.

Correct. Fentanyl is the last thing you want to fuck with. No drinks, and certainly no fucking Xanax mixers.

I'm cordoning off all of you.

Those oddly-branded dollar store CD-Rs (Princo? The fuck is Princo!?) that contained my greatest 1999 napster finds are all steaming piles of unusable shit.

That Mr Belvedere episode made me tear up.

You won't believe how badly this actress from the 80s has aged!

unless its one of their many OOPs classics.

This guy knows his backup media. +1


My vinyl collection is in perfect condition. A few scraches and clicks, but completely playable.

Someone should have just kicked his ass out an open airlock.

Pitch better have my money.

hope they look sharp!

Caribbean Queen.

Joe Jackson will be steppin out shortly.

yes, but he was strangely always satisfied.

The Smoking Popes, sir?