
ugh, no way. sounds too new england

That's why Gumball is my favorite show.

JonTron's video was much more entertaining.

And the crazy capper on all this, it's better than the Pixar film.

"Be that as it may, the movie did boffo in India, and won a national award"

Kahokasontas was Pocahontas' sexy older sister that did topless burlesque at the Sleepy Teepee.

FUCK, this video is annoying. Anyone else skipping over the too-long summaries of the well-known movies? GET TO THE CRAP, DUDE.

Little Panda Fighter is the Werner Herzog entry in kiddie pixar shit.

Mom has googly eyes, too.

Maxi Priest says yes. Shabba.

I enjoyed it. Probably the last good Bendis thing I read.

I mean, is there a viable take on MK that doesn't include his nuttery?

Those fucking kids again. SHIT!

5 go in, none come out.

Oh baby he likes it RAW.

Where has it been used well in punk?


the fart stench in the bowels of WWE hq must be horrific.

Yay, Enforcers. May just make it to the Million Dollar Game. *nonplussed*

damage has been done, reddit. way too late.