
with convert-to-tiff option pack? YOU'RE THE BEST, DAD!

Horn section?

San Francisco Demons, baby!

His Daredevil run? Superlative stuff. And Ronin. And the first Dark Knight.

Absolutely amazing. This is the kind of weird, outre comics I want.

*Lurks about on Old Man Johnson's Farm*

now with 24 positions in a one night stand

I like 'em black yellow puertorican or haitian
name is phife dog from the zulu nation

Motherfucking POOH gettin it.

"The Rainbow Children" can stay out, thanks.

Next: Kate Bosworth fights her mortal enemy: FOOD.

Dr. Strange's recent arc where Satana, the Orb, Dormammu AND SHUMA GORATH all show up has been awesome fun.

Dr Strange just had a Dormammu issue, which was great.

Female Thor really hasn't worked all that well for me. Aaron's successful because of the brilliant supporting characters he uses in the book. Exterminatrix? Now the Shi'Ar?

He's not. Spider Foes was one of the best Marvel series of the decade.

Marvel seems to subscribe to the quantity over quality method of inclusion and diversity.

lol. good one.

Yeah. Hits too close to home?

I thought I was the only one thinking it was too dry.
