
especially compared to the crazy, hateful shit she posts on a regular basis

Davalos is bringing down this show.

The photographer explicitly asked her to sign a release, she refused, and they used her image in advertising campaigns anyway.


Cavemen was subversive and damned better than it's given credit for. Doesn't belong on a list populated with claptrap like STB: The New Class or a Bronson Pinchot vehicle.

Del Pullman!

Oh god, is this band name some sort of corny ode to that character in That Thing You Do?

Not so much pathetic, but extremely young, impressionable, highly naive.

nah, matlock. jones could do a great Johnny Thunders riff or two, though.

Dave Mustaine, ever the dick.

Matlock was a highly underrated tunesmith.

Its not as boring as The Clash tho

Can't wait for the @POTUS account to be filled to the brim with effluvium like this.

she played something called a HOME DEPOT PLAZA back in 2008. LOL.

everyone was in the 70s

Narwhals are magical.

a reverse priapism.

hopefully, Facebook will be a sepia toned memory of dated embarrassments by then.

Chevy Chase is god.

Anton Fig is still the best drummer Kiss ever employed.