
Wait, we're not even close to beating this thing to death!

or some really pedestrian favorite movies.

A big banner ad for Katy's first song "UR SO GAY".

Absolute Beginners!

they're good. hasn't hurt Kurt Vile in the least.

BLOVIATE! with Windbag and Mushmouth.

a DOUBLE CD, no less.

thinning hair and bulging midsections.


as far as crossovers go, it's not bad.

Emerald Empress is the shit. I love her.

Did anyone do blubbering yet? No? BLUBBERING.

Tilikum, uncompromising to the very end.

the fuck? That aint Magic Mike. That's Hamburger Helper Mike.

Fred Smoot'ed up the joint on that Vikings Party Cruise (aka the Lake Minnetonka Baptismal).

I'm panicked about sales (even though I don't ever bother checking them, I just know the masses take to the most mundane claptrap). Hopefully, DC realizes the artistic achievement and new talent incubation that these books bring to the table.

I read Wasp.

No way. Mother Panic is my favorite, the closest thing we have to a Milligan comic without Milligan.

but it would be great to see these promising names become the future face of Young Animal

… said the vicar to the actress.