
sounds like a mild case of Stockholm syndrome started kicking in.

A cavalcade of your favorite former network television stars! Soon to be joined by 99% of the cast of Glee (the ones not in jail or dead).


I mean, of course they licensed the characters to the game. But development/publishing/marketing? Nintendo's a nonentity with it.

With Greedy Gretchen in tow.

And I assume AV Club will be livestreaming the event?

He's a fucking Yale Eli, too. Boola boola.

This used to be my playground…

He knows what pays the bills.

Get a burger heated to order under one of Mr Belding's neck jowls.

this auto run sucks.

Pokemon Go has nothing to do with Nintendo.

I know, right?

Don't even mention a master like Sienkiewicz in the same article as whoever drew this.

They gave him a pretty boss car but made him look a right turnip.

thank you for your tech support inquiry, I am chad from mumbai, er phoenix arizona. please to help you, sir.

Also, AV Club, get your daily live videos the FUCK offa Facebook. No excuses, there are plenty of alternatives available from providers that won't make your skin crawl.

And like the old 90s-era titan Microsoft, pride goeth before a fall.

fuuuuuck facebook

I will love Molly Ringwald forever.