
suddenly, the night got a lot less thicke.

Suffocation via poutine.

Any show that birthed the Lubbock babes is deep enough television, sir.

We're nowhere near the end

i'd rather not give that raging jesus freak any more screen time.

Stripperish is a wretched perjorative used to shame a woman's clothing/identity under the guise of moral tut-tutting.

The original WAS the ultimate empowerment film.

OK, I'm going to call it now, this is going to have none of the teeth the original had. The sexual vigor and the unabashed embrace of exploitation themes are all too hot-button to ever capture again, let alone in a network-produced TV series.

Marvel's making a bland, homogenic stew in terms of costuming. Instead of making feminine fashion, they're just shoehorning the gals into tired menswear practicality. I fail to see how that's any sort of victory for the ladies…

that band's fanbase is nearly all white hipster.

escuse. escuse..

It's one of the best written comics on the stands now. And if you would have told me Deathstroke might be the best comic in Rebirth beforehand, i'd have said you were a crazy person!

Lillie looks like a total #basic.

boxed-wine-drunk suburban soccer moms just wanna have some fun.

Re: Deathstroke, I didn't have any interest in the character, but holy shit is Priest killing it with the script. Impressive writing, impressive scope,

Re: Ghost Rider, I appreciate the premise with Robbie and i'm sold on the concept - but the first time I tried the book, I threw it down in literal disgust.

All of the Young Animal titles.

he's gonna be GABBY HAYES big!

lol, calling out white hipsters and then listing Death Grips.

Yeah, Human Performance was good.