
I'm not sure the art fits the intended tenor. Bachalo is nailing the main Doctor Strange book. This looks like an addendum to Squirrel Girl's book.

Apparently, this Dawson dickhead was sporting an emo shag cut way, way, way after its expiry date.

Yet another thing they've stolen lock,stock and barrel from JAMC.

Cohen had remarked that he was “ready to die,” adding, “I hope it’s not too uncomfortable.”

oh archmage!

I mean, that's a pretty hamhanded way to open an interview.

Kiss would have been a cool first concert. My first concert was Van Halen. Not cool VH, this was like 87 VH with fucking Sammy Hagar.

fucking americans.

Stella Lite in that it's 3 parts water, 1 part Stella.

A shitload of cheap garbage college piss swill (keystone, natty light, and fucking BUSCH?) and no PBR?

Good. Still the loudest concert i've ever been to.

fucking Uber turds. can't wait till they're all replaced by JohnnyCabs.

Zoe Kazan's unfettered question-mediocrity just derailed this entire project.
Thanks, Kazan.

I can't help it. When she breaks out into dance, too?

Fantasia is better and more influential than Beauty and the Beast.

It's a tale as old as time.

B+? This show is as dumb as petrified dog shit that's whitened and hardened.

"God damnit!"
"Fuckky fuck fuck fuck"

No San Francisco on the tour docket? Fine way to say thanks to the city that made you.

ok, is it just me, or is Beverly Goldberg's hairstyle hawt as fuck?