
The Undertaker works by NOT TALKING.

Wow. You're right. That's horrible.


Sounds like you have a pretty locked down echochamber. Fine, but anyone with a more generalized or open account (for whatever reason), this isn't as easy.

17 Ugly Celebrity Feet - You Won't Believe who's #1!

facebook = evil corp.

If EDM was on the in-store hifi, you hit the trifecta of douchebaggation.

Ah, vapers. Finally getting up to speed on last week's events.

Mo' Pozzi Mo' Problems

Let me be clear, no animus was intended your way, and if it did come off that way I humbly apologize.

Twitter's been notoriously laggy/slow/ineffectual/nonexistent when it comes to dealing with obvious and widely-reported abuse

I resent jobs that actually require a fucking twitter presence. Esp. in the dev field, who the fuck cares? i'm going to post/retweet another treatise on ES6 that everyone's bored of already?

ooooh, a faceless "reporting" feature.

There's no win here. Shit's falling apart. Breitbart is in the fucking white house, and FB is complicit by not tamping this shit down before it took root and spread.

Fuck Zuckerberg.

he can only make do with the characters given.

Replace the icky satanism and devil idolatry with fucking kids. Marvel has kids overrunneth.

^white guy talk^

Saw Jesus and Mary Chain in the 90s and I can assure you they were louder than twice Kiss or Aerosmith.

Yes, but you have Pixies, Mission of Burma and Dinosaur Jr to redress the imbalance.