
Fare thee well, old farts.

Disney's just as complicit. They've dumbed down all books in the MU. Also, sex is now taboo and is not to be even discussed. Anywhere.

On a side note, Champions might be the worst Marvel comic i've ever read. FLUFF from start to merciful finish. Inconsequential, unchallenging, unremarkable detritus aimed at careful movie-related IP management and/or head trauma survivors.

I liked Crystal.

The "franchise" that's met with a resounding 'meh' from all corners.

Gary's Olde Towne Tavern wouldn't have sto

They destroyed his sweater.

About to lose that crown in spectacular fashion, too.

They were trucked in from Brockton!

James Buchanan was my favorite. Ineffectual dandy bachelor. May have been gay. Never married. Liked to party. Fucked up big time while in office.

DAMN, son, the fuq did Weezer do to you?

Hey, you're free to critique. Let's be honest, you're not framing your commentary as an outright critique, and it sounds more like moral handwringing from vastly-different modern perspective that didn't really exist in 1986.

a mere five months before he died (of unrelated reasons)

It's not even a dick. It's his arm. someone just quickly dashed off a peepee hole.

If that's the cariacture they wanted to throw out there, i'm not going to enforce some sort of demarcation as to what they can't artistically express. I can't. I may not agree with it, but I won't go for any sort of Tipper Gore-level content sanitization mandate.

Undercover hasn't been the same since you got rid of the Pink Bear decor.

What more could they have done? It was cartoonishly, freakishly excessive. At what line does art or expression become compromised because of the effect it may have on the more stupid of consumer public?

Agreed. I've only seen one sketch on this "Million Dollar Extreme" and it was this, which I did enjoy:

Adult Swim went down the shitter when they had Robot Chicken on in a continuous loop.

I'm not sure its humanly possible to have their entire lyrical output for License to Ill be any more ironic.