
In the past two years, I’ve been following the Cubs, because after my grandmother passed away, I really liked watching that team, and that was the other team that I was watching

Jimmy Wing, Palatine Records!

Mike Judge, or GTFO.

Fuck punditry. Not in the mood.

Bush Sr never recovered!

*Pandora wheezes, gasps and dies. Then farts*

No Enya? Her mass-market bowel-releasing ambient catatonic is the perfect balm here

F21 Basic and the Weekend Warriors

"I want to eat you so bad my dick's hard!" - Shark #1

Honor of Men, aka BLOOD SHARKS

sits secure in an aft-hole on the USS Paycheck.

It needs, nay it CRAVES the deft direction of one Mario Van Peebles.


i'll defer to your authority on the subject, fartking.

Looks like the even more fucked up sister of the evil kid in Toy Story 2

hella. u from bay area?

dressed as the Mrs? So it's an off-the-rack night!

"um, what?" - Canada

Abe's sitting all manspreaded out, raging boner tenting upwards.

heated debates rage in the instagram comments.