
Honestly, looking at @jessejostark 's instagram feed, you'd be hardpressed to tell which one is the fraudulent fucking simulacra.

*takes notes, pauses, pushes glasses up on bridge of nose*

So not real, and the vapid lifestyle chic "she" espouses is as inert as a cloud of noxious ass gas.

In megalitigation, you do not want to hold onto data that's not required or specifically requested from any discovery data holds and that's outside of your nominal retention policies.

It's no Careful Massacre of the Bourgeoisie


It's scripture. 1 Timothy 2:12

Neither. The film where she's kidnapped by Benicio Del Toro and they fall in love. Possibly the worst movie ever made.

It is, and you shouldn't. Martinez was the one who formally labelled the band obscene and instructed law officials to take action, which included arresting record store owners for stocking the item.

between the incompetent ATF agents and the Koresh acolytes, I doubt that scenario of any sort of peaceful resolution was going to happen.

He's the best part of those 30 for 30 docs on the Miami Hurricanes.

However, FUCK MARTINEZ remains a full standing order.

"You'll get nothing and like it!" - Judge Smails


Janet Reno, street cred bonafides are in order.

WHOOA WHOA WHOA that comment's on fire.

Under Gillen? No, they weren't. They certainly weren't under Mike Carey, either.

They're crap because they gave the books to Bendis, and he proceeds to Bendis the fuck out of them.

Tina drives the show. Especially when she's hankering for some Jimmy Jr. And he'd rather just dance.

That Capoeira guy is the worst character on the show, bar none.