
I've seen that "Craft your Burger" in action at the revamped McDonalds. It was a fucking clusterfuck.

She makes Chloe Bennett's acting look Julliard-honed.

Hey, just this year SP was on tour with Liz Phair and it was one of the best shows i've ever seen.

Or, Eastern European character is an auto-heel because AMURRICA, DAMMIT.

Miranda Lambert is a helluva lot cooler than Carrie Underwood.

I haven't seen anything that awkward since the idiot cubicle mate came out of the bathroom with his shirt tucked in his underwear.

I'd rather they blow up any bridge connecting Agents of Shield, and leave it stranded.

and I were a top, i'd walk around with a headless lady.

Dapper wool flatcap.

sometimes, I wish I was in the same boat.

The most succinct wrapup on this yet. +1

God bless that working class Fresno. Unfortunately, it's often overshadowed by both the noise and voting bloc of the white folk in the area.

Peter Thiel and Mark Zuckerberg don't belong here either.


Let's not so eagerly cast stones just one way. There's enough horrific racism to go around for this midwestern classic. The Cubs's inordinately annoying "loveable losers" schtick was largely borne from the owner's racist intransigence in adding black ballplayers (and refusing to add a minor league development system

Keep the tweets and the vile responses intact. We need to see how fucking stupid a good portion of America really can be.

whoever had the nerve to complain about that IN SF. IN THE BAYVIEW no less, needs to be driven out of the city immediately.

the show made me cry. I love a good cry.

I dont give a shit. :D
