
I know, srsly. A BLUES-ROCK band???

Dodgers "fans" (I hate to use that term, because those guys were just looking for trouble and paid little care to the game at all) are generally awful as well. What happened to Brian Stow was horrible and I'm glad those responsible are enjoying a long stay in the state pen.

They are the worst. I thought Red Sox fans were bad. Not even close.

We wouldn't literally make some poor dude's life a living hell just because he had the temerity to go for a ball coming right at him.


Native Californian and I couldn't give a shit about Cubs fans or their "suffering".

great news.

oh yeah Ken Bone. My heart bleeds for Ken Bone.


tbf, Dr Strange is one of the better comics ever written. More fool me that the filmed version would be processed pablum.

Well, a federal judge and an appellate court did rule that Hogan's tape was newsworthy, in the public interest, and publishable:

It's the insane coda to all this.

TBF, she was 22 years old and still very young. I don't blame her for reacting in that way. It's a loss of control at a time you're trying to control yourself and shape your own identity, let alone having someone else tell it to your friends and families.

The cracks are showing. Layoffs are becoming more and more commonplace. Twitter's tottering about, stumbling like a drunk on Market and 6th, getting turned down from all the prospective buyers. We'll see what happens.

me too. and i'm right here in ground zero for it all.

Hulk Hogan can fuck off.

he's also due recompense for that.

it boggles the fucking mind. spend a little time in Silicon Valley. Unless you're one of the zombie sycophants out here, you'll be unnerved by the center of power in this territory alone.

I'm having a hard time shedding tears for Gawker when better sites like The Dissolve and Grantland are now things of the past.

Gawker was wrong.