

this actually kicks my ass!

no, why'd you edit it? The first comment was genius

It was that shitty album right before Tin Machine.

"lovely homage"?

Dinah Saur!

Come on, arch putin minotaur has to elicit a slight chuckle!

Yeah, and your robust postcount is overfloweth with quality. Oh wait, it's set to private, you sad troll.

Instead of giving thought to the source material and updating appropriately for modern times, they sidestep it entirely and just go white. How is that preferable?

I'd think you'd rather luxuriate in my doucheyness, dickface.

it must be so hard to be a privileged poshette in lahndahn.

We have one of those free libraries on the block. Some dipshit stuffed it full of "how to startup your startup" manuals.

I left a Jack Chick tract in a bar bathroom once. HALLELUJAH!

Some Jack Link's? Yes indeed.

Big fucking deal. I'd leave zines all over the city back in the 90s.

it's called maximum commodification of product.

Imogen Poots.

She needs a bigger head.

Ken Bone wants us to bathe in his radiant doucheyness for all eternity.

Jack Links? But they're Teriyaki flavored!