
I've seen some impressively obnoxious Cubs fans come out of the woodwork lately, and i'm in California.

Beef jerky? I'd fully expect no less from a travel bag of Charlie Sheen's…

And here I thought it was just baked-in casting racism from Hollywood.

Good to know Marvel's fully compliant with state-approved entertainments.

I would have preferred a modern take on the character without having to resort to retrograde Orientalism.

The thinking person's Colossus.

Indicating that white casting appeals to a broader filmgoing public, and then tossing in a "SJW" perjorative?

lol, flush yourself and your comment.

Scarlet Witch rocks.

So, any real and compelling reason a white woman has to be the Ancient One?

By the hoary hosts of Hoggarth!

Fucking substance? On another assembly-line shart from Marvel Formulaic?

That usually never happens though. When was the last time you heard a once-favorite band actually returning to the form that made them and doing it successfully?

in terms of inoffensive pop detritus, he's fine.

It may not have faded, but lord, do I ever dislike it.

Long overdue some rereleases. Radiator has been criminally out of print since forever.

FUCK YES, the knee booted high stepper is sauntering her way into my heart again!

Steven Seagal's availed himself to one too many celebratory buffets.

Minnesota State? Wasn't Craig T. Nelson your football coach?

lukewarm, pantsuited godfather mularkey was not my jam. capper was the bisexual kiss that's supposed to wow us like it's 1987 or something.