
LOLLINGEST LOL POST. "Walkin on the Sun" needs no defense from mortals, fleshboy!

Or, how about FINALLY getting a stadium built in Oakland instead of jacking off to some industrial wasteland parking lot in fucking Fremont, CA, for god's sake?

Yeah, well, the fucker can't stay of the DL…

Who knew the A's social media team were such raging douches? Clearly imported across the bay from SF…

and the most fuckingest part of this all, Smashmouth was not wrong…

*holds door, waits for you to get out*

a mucher extant, imo.

By Jove, I think you're…

Deep cut references, +1

Not as much as that barefoot nimrod that won a league-wide MVP?

It's close. But all my top-five ever shitty uniforms seem to be all current (except for those execrable Parcells Patriots with the giant Elvii on the SHOULDERS). Which says A LOT.

Wow, the Detroit Lions really FUCKED up their uniform/helmet/logo.

The human body is what it is. Unless we perfect cyborg techology, it's going to be as fallible to weaponry as it was millenia ago.

DDoS are decades old attack strategies.

Dot-matrix printer connected to Disqus server ran out of paper.

CNN, Paypal, and Pinterest!

There are more than a few creators who've openly talked about intentionally scrubbing away the nastier aspects of certain characters and their histories.

The only really execrable Prince release is "The Rainbow Children".

Ugh. A greatest hits compilation. Look, I have all those classics. Three times over, for most of them.

The first arc was stuck in neutral. This is much better already.