
Young Animal books are giving me all the feels right now. That "weirdness" has been sorely lacking from comics since Morrison finished his "Multiverse".

That was terrible. Was this corporate mandate from Disney on high to "sanitize" some of the more unsavory minutiae of character continuity?

or long term innovation

The whole "working for us" thing without having to dole out any employee benefits or adhere to regulatory employment policies.

That reasonably entertaining anecdote belies your Mizzou avatar.

Give it a re-read and try not to hold it's lack of a concrete foothold in subsequent x-continuity against it. The panels with the newborn baby/cosmic creature are incredible.

Kid Kree. Hot off the tails of that fucking barnburner of a fan favorite, Kid Gladiator (actual character, sadly).

it moved me from plussed to nonplussed.

Modus must be flying some cut-rate Balkan airline.

Sorry. Got Grubhub, I get constant $5 off coupons, I've got zero reason to change and zero fucks to give, FB.

Generation Hope was a great book. Gillen on all cylinders. It was much better than his Young Avengers and its too self-reverential navelgazing.

Until the x-men are back getting company-level promotion and push on par with Captain freakin' Marvel, the theory is alive and well.

x solo titles have generally blown much ass, first 80 issues of the original Wolverine solo book notwithstanding.

Whatever about this.

I distinctly remember buying the tape at Camelot Music back in 1986.

Hearts of Oak was a good album. Can't believe it came out 30 years ago.

*checks watch, looks down the street, mutters something underbreath. checks watch again*

"The Slightly Less Creepy Jonah Hill"

Galifianakis, thinlipped, disinterested and gazing wanly at scenery just off-camera like he’s on week eight of the University of Minnesota Spankological Protocol.

Bullshit, this is a TBS schedule filler.