
Release an album called "GREAT AMERICAN SONGBOOK, VOL. 1"

Pitchfork had a pretty recent takedown of Mike Love's autobiography, well worth a read.

Stone cancelled out a lot of navelgazing and self-awareness that gets a bit tiresome in the average Tarantino flick.

Thanks for Forkboy, Hamsher!

Well, 12 year old edgelords are going to be attracted to the lowest common denominator, even though this movie is so obviously a prototrollage on them and their uninformed worldviews.

when they say repent

LOL, I do that too.

I remember the sunfire had a pretty pisspoor trunk. And the doorhandle came clean off.

I regret that Ladybugs didn't go there.

Jackee provided the sass.

Yes, but that soccer team KICKED…. ASS!

God, I totally forgot that. And now that you brought it up, I remember it like I just watched the film.

Pontiac Sunbird? FIrst car I ever owned was a Pontiac Sunfire.

Entertaining-enough schlockfest that was some serious hammin-it-up from auteur on down, but lord do I ever appreciate this film for introducing me to Leonard Cohen.

I'm not going to lie. 7-11 coffee is better than Starbucks.

Oh fun!

This is some of the most heavyhanded, judgemental claptrap i've ever heard, at least since I engaged that weirdo Christian fundamentalist that lived downstairs in some brief chitchat.

So what? And WW was crafted as a bondage perversion outlet.

I guess you can see that if you want….. I mean, Apollo's usually flying and Midnighter can't and they're giving you the perfunctory looking-down at a vanquished foe perspective that's common in comic book covers…

No, it's an unnecessarily long take on this one dude smiling at the camera.