
What point? What needs addressing? Midnighter and Apollo suck?

Not nearly as insufferable as the magic bellhop breaking the fourth wall with an interminable grin at the audience when Guy finally kisses Girl.

Kaley Cuoco makes a million dollars per ep. And this is why I'm grateful network television is being dealt a quick death.

well, yes, if we're sitting around unironically enjoying some hammy glee club acapella, then yes, i'm the last guy you'd invite.

Mmm, mmm, that's some good bottom of the barrel-scraped marketing!

"Thanks for being the virtual lobotomy I so desparately craved in my bleakest hour called 1996. "

Oh, a "who forced you to click on the link" guy. You're more insufferable than a million Pentatonix youtube clips.

um, ok? hunh?

Um, ok.

I'm going to see this movie.

I forgot, they never even bothered to name the bass player?

I respectfully ask that you turn in your Rushmore avatar.

Leave it to a Blevins GJI to ruin my day…

And that Pentatonix cover clip might be the absolute worst thing in existence. Suffering a deadly box jellyfish sting while having uncontrollable diarrhea and a scrotum rash would be a preferrable experience to listening to that thing again.

contain yourself… at the container store

Even after the demo was hurled out and pissed on?

You've got problems when Ethan Embry is the most likeable cast member.

bahahhaaa, Liv Tyler as the put-upon lead singer's girlfriend that only the regular joe can appreciate.

I'll reserve judgement on the level of "blacksploitation" until I read the copy.

How can it be problematic if the issue hasn't even come out yet? Doesn't it come out tomorrow?