
I would give a Wiggle a wide berth if I saw one walking down the street.

And lost the extra-baggy Dockers khakis.

Is his dialogue piped in from a prepaid Boost Mobile phone?

It's like Robert Carlyle has to act at half-ability just so the rest of the cast can measure up.

I haven't given this much thought, but does this guy think he's Darryl now? Or has he always been such an iconoclastic bad-ass?

Good to see someone on staff still abides by their Strunk & White.


LOL, Alton Brown on a hog. You sure it wasn't a ten-speed? With a basket for his farmers market procurements and James Beard books?

That's pretty much the gold standard for TV shows about dudes just riding around places on their motorcycles.

LOL, that's weak. Wire told all their crowds to fuck off, we're not playing "Pink Flag" songs anymore. Cue the hurled bottles. They never did, though. Conviction.

AV Club was right about the awkwardness of the technical proceedings. The scenes where Hines grabs the eye from him in the garage, it's like they didn't even bother to match up the cartoon to what she was supposedly talking to.

They just signed off on it and attached their names to the top of the masthead.

The thriftstore Cera, as I took to referring to him during the telecast.

Pooper Barret was better than this thing.

Wow, this was hot garbage. Something even standards-less TBS would have passed on, numerous times.

Mindnumbing rot is mindnumbing rot.

Sexytime Font for the mid-80s.

All it did was remind me that i'm truly all alone, as even the TV left me.

i thought for a minute you were just trolling around, but no, you're really that stupid. mea culpa.

are we absolutely sure the guys in the photo arent?