

only the sexiest data stewardship here!

*slowly backs out of room, closes door*

Sharkskin suitage provided by J. Bellini in the Belk discount center mall right on the road out of town.

I'm horrified at your absolute lack of a moral compass. Recalibrate yourself.

I think it's pretty obvious you got it, and my post right under that original post should have cleared everything up well and proper, even for the most thickheaded. Apparently there is a strata of thickhead that obviousness can't permeate, looking at this other guy.

Admit you need a helmet to get out of bed in the morning.

Oh this old thing? This is just a character i'm playing. This is all actually anti-trollage under the guise of pro-trollage. So, no offense can be levelled my way, right genius?

Nor the song. Or your entire Disqus account.

It's pretty obvious it's not outright espousing date rape, genius. It's still a shit song making a bit light of the whole thing. Oh, this part is extra cringey:

It's positively Parmesanian how it reels the dupes in!

But music is only interesting because of the emotive response you attach via listening.

Here's the thing, it's usually Northern Californians talking shit about the Southland (might be the whole water-stealing).

Well, that was enlightening.

They also say in another one of their hits," if it wasn't for date rape, they'd never get laid"

I absolutely detest Sublime and I cringe everytime the supposed "alternative" station here plays fucking "santeria".

Accurate. Inconsequential sitcom detritus that asks for nothing except a blank , open-jawed expression.

Local man enjoys processed shit. News at 11.

Two takeaways (two more than the show deserves):

This opine is wrong and you should feel awful.