
Nope, that was Ryan Ting.

Also filed under: “Obvious troll is surprisingly effective”

So where is the video of the error?

Regardless of your feelings on the NCAA and the whole system, spending money and then falsely reporting your card stolen is fraud, plain and simple. Not sure how you can defend that behavior or blame it on the NCAA.

“We have cops that work for us.”

I’m not gonna do the research myself, but I’m assuming these aren’t the first two USF players to be arrested for violent crimes in the past 20 years.

I’m not gonna do the research myself, but I’m assuming these aren’t the first two USF players to be arrested in the past 20 years.

The punch was because he though Fiala was holding his stick.

They weren’t waiting for an ambulance to take him away, they were waiting for one to replace the one that took him away. You know, in case another injury happens.

He’s obviously an asshole, but this incident is a good teaching point for the youngsters in the room: don’t put your hands on a stranger.

“cementing its spot in the ACC title game” - pretty sure an out-of-conference game against an SEC opponent did nothing to cement Clemson’s spot in the ACC title game. Is this still a sports blog? Or is it just a full-on gossip column?