
Ooh I can’t wait for Deadspin’s version of this article rating female athletes, for which the author and editor both get fired!

Belichick just signed that guy to the Patriots’ charter crew.

On a punt return?  Did you even watch the video you posted?

Says the reader and commenter of a sports-based gossip blog, unironically.

Has Harvey Updyke been spotted in Clemson, SC recently?

This article sent me down a deep dark rabbit hole into hardcore wrestling, ending in an 1+ hour interview where New Jack walks through all of the shitty things he’s done in his career.  So thank you, and fuck you.

Except that he was a USC lean basically his whole life, coming out of one of their main feeder schools (Mater Dei), and two of his best friends (Amon-ra St. Brown + JT Daniels) are already on the team.  But let’s not let facts get in the way of some good ol’ fashion NCAA bashing.

What’s the diameter?  Is this something someone could theoretically fall in and then endure a 7,060 ice slide to their death?  

“Don’t doubt what you saw” is an extremely reckless and irresponsible directive. Everyone should ALWAYS DOUBT WHAT THEY SEE. ALWAYS QUESTION. ALWAYS DIG DEEPER. This doesn’t mean your initial reaction will always be wrong, but everyone (especially journalists) should doubt their sources, question the context of

“Oleksiak dropped the gloves and advanced on Wilson”

Can clearly see the person throwing something over the M in EMPIRE...got any other video?

Is it really packing it in if they won the trade?

No question Machado did it on purpose, but I think Aguilar was goading him into it.

I know this will be an unpopular opinion, but Aguilar really left a lot of his foot in there.

The play/pass by Palat was the most impressive part of the game winner. Between the announcers and this article it got one mention. Am I taking crazy pills or what?

Tim Tebow

Uh, Stan does realize that it is an NBA rule (and NFL rule, in the case of football) that is perpetuating the “racism” of forcing players to play in college, right? Not defending the NCAA, except to say that the one-and-done system is entirely a byproduct of the NBA rule requiring draft entrants be at least one year

Isn’t the real question how did this obvious slur/misspeak make it into the final cut? This seems to be 100% the editor’s fault (okay...maybe 99.9%, with 0.1% blame assigned to Redick for misspeaking). My guess is the outtake was intentionally included, either to embarrass Redick, the NBA, or just because the editor

I think the more likely conspiracy theory is that Belichick traded Garoppolo to the 49ers as a favor, expecting his sons to get hired on by Shanahan after he leaves the Patriots.

This “rule” (it’s a comment, not a rule) is being taken out of context. To put it in context, you have to look at the actual rules it is commenting on. Rule 6.03(a)(3) and (4) state: