
"Or maybe, rather than film Kim’s script as written, producers will decide that the really interesting Hillary movie would be the one that follows her retirement as Secretary of State, when she’s just hanging around the house, ostensibly mulling a presidential run but really just binge-watching House Hunters and

I visited a 19th century Jewish cemetary in the Caribbean (I love graveyards/cemeteries) and the sign explained the tradition of leaving the stone - has to do with leaving a marker that the person is remembered and not forgotten, maybe? it's been a few years. but I left one too.

Yep, it's a Jewish tradition. As with pretty much all Jewish traditions, the theories are many and varied. I'm a fan of the notion that stones are more permanent than flowers. There's also something to the idea that Jewish graves are supposed to have tombstones, and this is a way of building one.

You would think. Not that I trust any place that goes, "Oh, a nut allergy, yeah we can deal with that. We will make sure not to put nuts in your food... oh, you want separate prep... why?" But still, it's scary what they are opening themselves up to!

Yeah, price, unfortunately, doesn't help! I use a solid state shampoo (a bar but not a soap) which is about $14.00 a pop. It lasts a long time so it's more economical that my other options which are basically $40.00 for the same amount of product in shampoo from a couple of companies which aren't even locally

"Rude to servers"

It's an expensive upfront cost but Norwex detergent is great for your delicates and for the super allergic (like you and I) and lasts forever. It's also HE safe. I've been using the same bag for like a year and a half. It isn't cheap but it also is not expensive when you look at what you get for the price and it is

I read the headline as, "Nicole Kidman's Pinned Boob: So Many Feelings" and proceeded to gawk at her chest trying to find a pin. However, I am now very appreciative of the detailing on her bodice.

Frequently at home I just randomly sing "I drink because I'm sad now...oh yeaaaaa"

32 is my favorite song ever.

I imagine her 32 would be very much like Paltrow lite — talking about mansions, Grammys, African safaris, and getting your heart broken on the French Riviera or something.

But I mean, can anything really beat Helena's delivery of, "I haven't been f***ed like that since grade school"?

I've been watching Prime Suspect recently (the Helen Mirren version) and I love the main character. She's a middle-aged woman who is flawed and complicated and sometimes a bit of a jerk, but always fascinating and three-dimensional.

Eddie Izzard FTW!

Oh great, now I want to watch Eddie Izzard specials all day. Now I won't get anything done!

One of my favorite HP quotes is when Dumbledore tells Harry "Youth can not know how age thinks and feels, but old men are guilty, if they forget what it was to be young."

Catsby believed in the red dot...

Can you imagine, though? You probably couldn't look directly at the kid(s) without sunglasses. :p

I imagine Lohan's visit to that clinic looked something like this.