
I saw her do this bit on her first televised standup, years and years ago! She was a med student competing in some kind of Carlos Mencia-type hosted weekly comedy comedy competition on Comedy Central! I never put two and two together and connected that sweet med student with DONNA - but I'm so happy it's her!

Holy fuck that is one of the funniest clips I've seen in a long time

Oh wow, thank you. Yet ANOTHER reason to worship at the feet of this woman.

I've seen this before, but now I'm watching this again. HILARIOUS.


I can't believe this is the first time I've seen that clip! I think I just laughed loud enough to startle my neighbors, thanks for posting!

Damn, now that's what I call an opeRETTA! I hate myself.

I remember her telling that story in her stand-up routine years ago. I just had no idea it was the same person. I think she changed her hair.

Dear Television:

I am a parent (two sons, one daughter) and I completely agree with you. While, in a perfect world, my daughter would tell me she needed it (though, in a more perfect world, she wouldn't need it at all) I would rather her be able to choose how she handles her reproductive options.

Lindy! You are back! I was getting worried about night time Dirtbags.

A used condom, or Jamie Lannister's sword hand? You decide.

If only I knew where this rip came from.

Because I am alone in a room, and my blinds are closes, you just missed my squid moves of happiness over that little tidbit. Imagine Lucille Bulth seeing Gene Parmesan plus loads more awkwardness.

My beloved aunt was super pale and swore by the little red maybelline eye/brow (red twin pencils) in blonde. In fact, it was the only make up she used in my lifetime. Hope this helps. As an aside....all walgreens and rite aid will return ANY make up item with a receipt. even used. feel free to try. Now, stop putting

It never occurred to me that any blokes paid attention to the sort of make up I wear until one day I was wearing liquid eyeliner with flicks out either side and my husband said, "Ooh, I like those little lines on top of your eyes".

I think you've got it down.