
i like how it was all just like WHY CANT YOU WRITE NICE BLACK LADIES WHO ARE NICE????? YOU MUST NOT BE NICE. like who are you, a five year old?

"Ms. Rhimes chose a performer who is older, darker-skinned and less classically beautiful than Ms. Washington, or for that matter Halle Berry."

i was thinking what my red hair would be described as, and i figured period blood, and then i remembered the time my highschool class went to plymoth plantation, and visited the fake mayflower and the fake mayflower guy told us, in character, that red hair meant your dad banged your mom when she was on her period.

wait, didn't you guys to the same?

i feel like in general that the under educated and poor surrogates being exploited in this situation have little say in what happens, other than to not surrogate and not make the money they are in dire need of to care for their own families.

I don't think you were meaning it this way, but it sounds really insensitive when you say "...but most of the crime takes place in a concentrated area most people never go"—-because who are "most people"? Plenty of people live there, raise their families, goes to school and work there, and their lives fucking matter.

I live in Harlem. I don't tell my friends in the Bronx and Brooklyn how much I pay to live in the garden apartment of this beautiful brownstone house because they would probably murder me, assume my identity, and move right in. Everyone assumes Manhattan rents are always higher. This is not true. Outer boroughs

Chicago is fine, but it's not the same. It's like if Boston and Cleveland had a baby. I like Boston. And I like Cleveland. But no.

Google Image search needs to have a warning process for shit like that. You click search and if the results are completely disgusting, a message pops up that says "ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THIS ONE? BECAUSE THERE IS SOME FUCKED UP SHIT HERE." And then you can decide if you want to proceed.

A) I don't think you understand how this website works.

Apparently, Decker's response to the question "when was the last time your son was fed" was something along the lines of "I dunno."

The only thing that would make this more bizarre is if the baby didn't belong to either of them.

i do that all the time with overly long or complicated names, because i'm lazy but also in a hurry. i just bang on the keyboard or use a mash-up of easier to spell words. i'm an anti-too-many-letters-ite :-\

Oh no! Uzbeks drank my battery fluid!

Can you tell us what's going on? We need the true-true!

But I have to admit that the McD here has delicious milkshakes that I haven't seen elsewhere.

When it comes to grammar Nazis, there are many, and one is you.

I don't think movie reviews are supposed to be objective. If they were, they'd just be a short plot summary and the runtime.

Hey! What's with Jez using "clickbaity" intros on FB lately? Actually I totally do believe "what this restaurant told this woman about her weight". If the restaurant told her that their breadsticks cure cancer and they have a unicorn that turns water into the house wine, now THAT I "wouldn't believe". And they never

Right, because only overweight people arm bash. Skinny people, however, are like ghosts that you can walk through.