Well, they enslaved them before they freed them, so your question is similar to the following: "After I beat you with a sledgehammer for an hour, I stopped beating you. Isn't it a good thing that I STOPPED beating you?"
Thanks, Whites. After all:
The number of clueless jackwagons asking, with what I can only assume are straight faces, "I wonder what he did to make her so upset" is really depressing the everloving hell out of me.
Do you ever get the feeling that the two of them do things because others have projected "status" or "desirability" on them, and not because the things are inherently enriching or enjoyable experience? The persona they typically have, at least in media coverage, seems to be one of "WE WENT TO IRELAND U JELLY? OH HAI,…
Here's a neat trick to counterbalance the outrageous costs of a wedding and reception: Stop fucking spending thousands of dollars on a few hours of "this is my special day, look how pretty I am." If you cannot afford a wedding and a honeymoon, maybe you should stop throwing money away like it isn't the difference…
No on on the honeymoon fund. Gifts are always optional at weddings, sorry, but they are. And asking your guests to fund your honeymoon seems a bit tacky to me. Don't take a honeymoon if you can't afford it. Same with people who ask for cash gifts towards a house or something. It's not up to your guests to pay for that…
Shit. Crazy up there has you beat with $74 an hour. Sorry, spammy.
It kills her to see me "throwing away" the good looks that I could have. I don't know what to tell her. Is she right?
That pic has serious V.C. Andrews book cover potential.
Stop. Mentioning. Asperger. Asperger does not make you unable to see the difference between good and evil. It is NOT an excuse. (Not personal to you, more of a general thing)
Eh, speak for yourself. My Instagram is mostly pictures of my cat and weird stuff I see on the street.
Look at me! Look at ! Look at me!!! Look at my duck lips, look at my expensive clothes, look at my fancy dinner, look at who I bump shoulders with, look at how lucky I am!!!! Look at me guys!!!!! GUYS!!!!!!
Who throws the gun on the side of the road during the getaway? That's just irresponsible.
Kim and Khloe both don't want drama
This movie has more problems than Zoe. The family is upset because the move is glorified fan fiction. They are making Nina'a white male caregiver her lover. He was never her lover and is in fact a gay man. This movie is not endorsed at all by Nina's family.
Zoe Saldana thinks we live in a post-racial society, which makes this all even worse.
Well my question was how would they know to stop? Maybe I'm reading it wrong but that read like she called in the FBI and there hadn't been a call since. However another commenter indicated this woman had been very critical of the Chinese government and speculated that maybe they were behind it. In that case of…
More than any of her peers, it would actually be believable. She hasn't had any DUIs like Bieber, no mysterious trips to rehab out of "exhaustion" like Selena or Demi, no Skid Row scuffles like Zefron, and her schedule is probably packed, but we never seem to hear stories about her showing up hours late to shows and…