
I am so, so glad my mom was the sartorial dictator in our house - no creepy messages there, just "please recognize that perhaps booty shorts are not appropriate for Nana's funeral; society has a dress code for serious occasions." And she was pretty damn reasonable with me and is pretty damn reasonable with the rest of

Indeed there is and it pisses me the fuck off. The other girl was 15 turning 16 if I recall correctly. Hell, if that's statutory rape arrest the majority of my teenage partners, that's like a two and a half year age difference. Hell, arrest me too, even if all of my relationships in my state have been legal on a

Uh, am I the only one whose dad didn't get a goddamn say in what she wore to prom? He paid for the thing, yeah - but hell if he was telling me what I was wearing. That was Mom's job. And thank Cthulu, or hell knows what monstrosity I would've ended up in for the sake of just picking something.

Oh dear Cthulu I would wear the hell out of that outfit.

The romantic goth in me is shrieking for aLL OF IT.
(No! Bad! Back in the box!)

Yeah, over here it isn't even Romeo and Juliet, it's like Tybalt and Juliet (but not with incest, just age-wise). I don't necessarily have an issue with it myself, just wish all states would adopt it. I'm sorry, an 18 year old should not go to jail for dating a 16 year old, that's fucking ridiculous. 17 and 16? Shoot

Because this is coming up in the comments: In what state, exactly, can a 17 year old be realistically expected to face charges on the basis of having consensual sex with a 15 year old (or an 18 year old with a 16 year old)? I thought that was largely an urban myth, but clearly I'm ignorant here. I know my own state's

In my state the age of consent is "sort of" 16; as I understand it the older partner must within 4 years (upwards) of the 16 year old. So 19 is okay. 21 is not. However, a couple states over, an 18 year old and someone about to turn 17 aren't supposed to be having sexual contact. This shit needs to be codified

All of that varies from state to state - in mine, a 19 year old could date a 16 year old. I think we need to codify this country-wide because, as it is, this is a fucking mess.

As a technically-second-semester-creditswise-college-freshman, I do go home most weekends, but that's because it's where one of my jobs is. And I'm always incredibly eager to get back onto campus.

..... what?

I skimmed it and what I skimmed was terrible.


Can we talk about the trolls in the fucking comments bitching that women categorically don't do "dangerous jobs," don't die in the workplace, and that "women play at [those] and real men actually do the jobs"?

<Light British accent>

One does not write on the minority who are Doing Something Right when you're writing about what is Not Okay, because that minority clearly does not need to be addressed. You address the majority that are fucking things up. Yay for your husband. Boo for the other 10000 men who are his exact opposite.

That's ridiculous - but very true. Baby Fishnets has a teammate whose mother takes care of EVERYTHING - the cooking, the cleaning, the laundry, and sometimes even the schoolwork. Teammate and little brother don't know how to work an oven, just a microwave, and have no idea what laundry detergent is used for or where

So, basically, she's Lena Dunham but a Republican and with a "talk show" instead of a shitshow. Instead of needlessly idolizing her, we deride her.

EXACTLY what I thought.

Er, perhaps women are socially engineered to be "neat freaks?"