
I can't believe this and at the same time how could we ever have thought this wouldn't happen. Trayvon was a black male teenager, ergo of coouuuuuurse he was a threat, nevermind Zimmerman's rather implausible story and the million intricacies of the case. Of couuuurse this happened, murmurs the peanut gallery. but

Not all white women are like these white women, and the racial makeup of the jury wasn't released officially - reports say at least one woman appeared to be some sort of Hispanic or Latino.

And the verdict just came back.


Pretty sure that same commenter and I once had a discussion that was nothing but him/her/zie (I don't know?) telling me in a roundabout way that I was likely irreparably fucked up and probably a criminal for occasionally tying my sex partners up with mutual consent (which I honestly didn't think was that rare a thing

Jezzies, I need to vent. It seems like more and more lately I'm seeing/hearing this virulent anti-gay bullshit and it never used to bother me since it was only occasional - but now it seems near-constant and it bugs the hell out of me.


Formal wear. Specifically, ties. I'm forgiving if someone's jacket is a little wonky or the shirt doesn't quite mesh - it happens. But if you've got an ugly tie at someone's wedding, or if you're over the age of 12 and wearing (the gods help us all) a clip-on tie to a fancy event? A prefabricated clip-on bow tie,

I'd be willing to go with you if I ever in my life had heard of a Russianized "Scarlett."

She does say that her mother didn't let her go 4 hours a day, 7 days a week.

I'm okay with getting beat up some as long as I'm handing out the beatdowns in equal or (preferably) greater proportion. If I'm not, it's incentive. I dunno, maybe I'm just weirdly competitive.

Uh, breast implants are surgical. Fake nails and hair extensions (that's what you mean, right?) are cosmetic improvements. (By "fake collar" do you mean "dickey?" Because I don't like those much either.) If you can whine about cosmetic improvements, I can bitch about fashion accessories - i.e., fake bow ties, which do

That honestly, honestly sounds like bullshit to me.

Let me just say that if you wear these, I will judge the fuck out of you.

Loooooord almighty. I just can't imagine having the money for black-tie-anything at age 21 because... just out of college and maybe even into grad school? Yeah, no money for a gown here.

Ditto to the max.

I'd happily wear that NOW. Oh dear.

Black tie 21st birthday parties?

And I'll bet you some people think the boyfriend's ex-wife "just grew up," like having kids is the only logical default and not wanting them means something is wrong.