Miss Feminist Kitty

Don might have married a blonde, and cared about Anna Draper a lot, but I am convinced he has a special connection to brunettes. Midge, Rachel, Suzanne, Megan... He takes out his mother issues on all females, but brunettes are the ones he gravitates to for solace.

That’s not how you slow dance, this is how you slow dance:

Oh, I got her back! And he got arrested for being a drug dealer shortly after. It was kinda great.

I took him to small claims court to get my cat back. She apparently has a crew of people who browse the dockets for ridiculous lawsuits. I actually called the producers and was like, "Am I being punked right now?"

Fucking with my cat is basically the only way for me to lose all rationality and go on a rampage. No matter how pissed off I get about other stuff I can keep cool, but you fuck with my cat, and you are fucking DEAD. I hope you got your cat back and made him suffer for taking it. (I really hope you got your cat back, I

I am horrible b/c even though I feel for you all I can think about is your cat.

"Sorcia, I'm in love with your best friend [a dude with a hilariously ridiculous name that I cannot post here]. We're moving to Virginia and I hope you'll be happy for us."

I have never been cheated on (that I know of) but I am posting by proxy on behalf of my mother, because this still horrifies me.

My mother found out my father had been cheating on her when her gynecologist insisted on running routine STD testing (despite my mother's protests of "but I've been married ten years and we

AHHH I am so excited I might just forgive my cat!

Uhhhh, sweatpants (and their fancy counterpart, yoga pants) have been a wardrobe staple for me for years and What's-His-Name and I are coming up on our 15th anniversary. Eva Mendes can get bent.

In our house we call them "magic pants".

Remember before the Internet when people just fucking proposed with a goddamn ring in a champagne glass/piece of chocolate cake/etc.?

How to make a proposal all about you 101

Seriously..when McDonald's makes a move like this it is truly a game-changer. All others will fall into line as well. Costco is being rather reactive here. Strange to see McDonald's leading the way on anything.

It doesn't look good, that's why. She was blonde a little while ago and I think it was the perfect shade of blonde for her coloring. It was gorgeous.

Kim, your hairdresser should have warned you that platinum is death to most complexions, and failing that, at least put you under a UV light while processing so that your results weren't so peroxide-y.

To the Duggars: