Miss Eli

They should make a movie about this and get Justin Long to play him

Don’t forget about Keith Phipps. He was a fantastic Editor-in-Chief as well as a great writer in his own right.  The day he left was the beginning of the end.

I loved the Ted Kord Blue Beetle, and still hate that they did him dirty like that, but the Jaime origin story was great. Basically Iron Man meets The Greatest American Hero. He was also a great character on Young Justice.

I feel like you’re implying something.

The only reason someone should return an acting award is if it turns out it’s not actually their performance, somewhat like Milli Vanilli and their Grammy. This obviously hasn’t happened yet, and isn’t likely to any time soon, but I suppose we could get to a point where actors are replaced with computer generated

I wasn’t ready for Alan to rule as hard as he did in this movie. His action sequence towards the end was just spectacular. 

For that one, you have become Mirth, the collector of stars.

You guessed it..,Frank Oppenheimer?

Might be weird but I’m curious as to how this film portrays his brother, Frank. He’s the guy who pioneered the concept of a hands-on science museum that got me (and plenty of others) interested in science.

I like the insanity of The Tommy Westphal Theory: If St. Elsewhere was entirely a made-up hospital in the mind of young Tommy Westphal, then any character who appeared on the show who’s from a different TV show must also be part of his invention, and consequently the other show itself.

That ending was more of a “fuck you” to the network than anything. Hell, the whole last season was an extended raised middle finger to NBC for cancelling the series.

In an odd way, St. Elsewhere’s finale gave it a sort of TV immortality. Look at how many different theories and discussion it’s had 35 years after it ended. Had it been a typical finale, it wouldn’t have been remembered. For example, ER was a much more popular and longer lasting medical show. How many people can

iZombie had a pretty shitty finale too, among other things undoing much of the show’s plot and giving it a weird psuedo-happy ending

Absolutely agree.

Did Harvey’s penis put you off? There was a period of time when I think Keitel had in his contract that every film he starred in had to have at least one shot of his penis. 

That’s at the top of my list.  My now wife/then girlfriend took me to go see it when it came out.  I thought I was into artsy movies but that one messed me up for a long time.

The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover

The implication was that she literally said “the guy from Cream”. The greatest sin is not having a bad take, but not being invested in a take at all.

I’m not sure why Manuel hated the Coach Beard press conference bit so much. It was funny. And it was in character — it’s not at all impossible to imagine Beard having opinions on classic rock guitarists that are both weird and weirdly intense.

Hendrix is the G.O.A.T. but would also have ended any debate scene before it began.