Miss Eli

Politics Corner - The Dreamers Deffered edition. The Senate voted on four DACA bills. All failed. I believe one of them, the centrist compromise, would have gotten to 60, if not for blistering attacks brimming with obvious, blatant inflammatory lies from Trump and DHS. It only got 54 votes, which was the most votes,

Not really. The FCC board is supposed to be two Dems, two Reps and the chairman. Obama did his part to keep the board properly split (and Trump has too, amazingly).

Wonderful news! I hope both Ajit Pai and Sinclair are damaged as much as possible during this investigation. I’d like to see Sinclair get dissolved into teeny tiny little pieces, and I wouldn’t mind seeing Ajit Pai get that coffee mug shoved up his ass by his cellmate.

Politics Corner - 17 Dead in Parkland Florida High School. Maybe it’s too soon to talk about? 58 were killed in Vegas with assault rifles turned into machine guns by bump stocks and extended magazines. That was over 4 months ago. Still too soon? Sandy Hook was over 5 years ago. The Aurora theater massacre was before

We used to eat corn on pizza all the time in elementary thru high school. those yellow niblets were a regular, even when we were “treated” to that cardboard with tomato paste and cheez “food” covering. It actually helped the taste for many.

Argentines like the corn on the pizza. Hard boiled eggs too. Don’t get me started on salsa golf.

I’m very nervously anticipating this movie. I don’t think any Pixar non-Toy Story sequel has turned out anywhere close to the original movie, but I have a lot of faith in Brad Bird. I am a little let down about the time setting being right after the first Incredibles. I guess you gotta keep Jack-Jack a baby, but I

I hope he’s gentle.

So it’s not a remake of the Peter Sellers movie? Good. I don’t know if I could have handled Kristin Scott Thomas in brownface.

71 minutes for a movie I see in theatres? They’re gonna need a B-movie to make this seem worth my while. How bout a News on the March feature or even a little cartoon first. I thought the Ox-Bow Incident was short, but it’s 4 minutes longer than this.

I’m speechless.

They should do a “What If?” style show that just crosses over two of their other shows at random every week.

Yeah when the hell did CW become my favorite network? They have no right to be making shows as schlocky and fun as Riverdale or as clever and wholesome as Jane the Virgin! It’s madness!

But what I want to know is, when will all these shows be tied in to Crazy Ex-Girlfriend?

Cautiously optimistic for this—incredibly I easily watch more shows on CW than any of the other broadcast networks at this point.

I’m more of a Doug Henning guy myself.

I don’t know, I never felt his magic tricks were all that good, they certainly do not warrant a movie about him.

I was curious, and that curiosity is now sated. Thank you.

Speak for yourself. I orgasmed twice watching the Twilight sex scenes. And no, I didn’t touch myself.

So your posit is that Donald Glover (actor, writer, rapper)...award winning Donald Glover who thanked the Migos for making Bad and Boujee in his Golden Globes acceptance speech...Donald Glover who made a great funk album in 2017 out of nowhere...is incapable of portraying effortlessly cool???