Miss Eli

I liked this episode, although I don’t know if I agree with the decision to keep John as Chief Engineer. Testing him, sure. But while he definitely has smarts, I didn’t see much evidence that he has leadership skills. Geniuses can be horrible managers, and everything we’ve seen of LaMarr thus far indicates immaturity


It’s on iTunes and Amazon. Spread the word! Spread the yiff!

I totally geeked out over Wu. Totally. #TeamGrimm

I had a harder time following the battle(s) in this ep, but considering that I don’t watch Arrow, this was a cool episode of Arrow.

*dies laughing*

I stopped being irrationally invested in the British Royal family when Diana died, but you know, this engagement has made Black Twitter happy, so I am happy.

Having just binged the last third of the season of The Great British Baking Show before the Great Change, I totally see why people love it so. No fake drama, histrionics or outrageous rivalries. Very comforting. Someone else also mentioned Futurama and I agree - the vast majority of the episodes have something to

For me, he’ll always be the Alien Bounty Hunter on The X-Files.

That it managed to last this long is saying something. Not a huge horror movie fan, but I liked their marathoning of freaky shows. RIP, Chiller.

I look forward to tearing this up on a Slack full of lawyers. But my thought, after seeing the first trailer, was: If somebody had to make a Bunny-Ears Lawyer movie, why can’t it feature Elsbeth Tascioni?

I liked Nanny Ogg a lot, but Granny Weatherwax is easily Pratchett’s most distinctive female character.

Granny Weatherwax?

I was out apartment hunting most of the day, but since arriving home, I’ve been bingeing on the SyFy Futurama marathon. Good times.

I’m glad the show addressed Jane’s insecurities over Adam’s bisexuality. OTOH, as someone married to a bisexual who came of age before PrEP or even the effective AIDS cocktail was available, that it didn’t come up during their talk about sexual history doesn’t feel like Adam’s in the right to me. I also wonder, given

For this particular episode ... I dunno. Are there vastly unprofessional people on the Orville? Most assuredly. However, putting the crew on a spectrum, Grayson and Finn would be close to Bortas and Alara when it comes to being conscientious and professional, and Mercer would at least be in the middle. That Mercer,

Not an adoption specialist, but I was adopted in the early 70s, in California. Since it’s a family law thing, every state will have different terms. But I believe, up until the 90s (when the time limit was shortened), even parents who explicitly signed away their parental rights had up to 5 years to revoke — and the

Yeah, has the Armin Tazmarian thing been re-retconned? That made me stop and wonder.

Hi there!