Good heavens. It’s ... empty.
Good heavens. It’s ... empty.
Besides binging Murder, She Wrote, I went to the movies and saw Girl Trip. I’m not the cringe-raunch comedy sort (I haven’t seen The Hangover or Bridemaids, and not sure I ever will), but I found it entertaining and now I want a posse of my own. Won’t name it Flossy, though, no no no ...
Just give me one story about a woman whose menstrual bloods collects, coagulates and merges into an immense blood demon that attacks and bloodily dismembers all the people in her life who make her miserable. Start with the rectal orifice in Marketing who bullies her about her weight, go through the boss who has…
A federal judge has granted a preliminary injunction, blocking implementation of Texas SB4, a law that would have punished sanctuary cities who do not comply with ICE/immigrant detention requests. The law was to go into effect on Friday.
Oh, nice. Vixen the movie now programmed into the Tivo, because I just didn’t have the energy to try to find CW Seed or whatever it’s called.
I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again:
Clay Pigeons, man ...
Which means, Democrats have to increase voter turnout. Which means instead of wringing their hands about trying to get back those pesky Obama/Trump voters, they need to reach out to minorities with candidates and initiatives.
I heard about it this morning on Democracy Now, but the only other place I’ve seen it was on The Guardian’s website (albeit the US front page).
You’re so lame ... I bet you think this post is about you ...
A couple of compilations of agencies offering help in south Texas (Houston and beyond):
Heh. Although to be fair, telling her something she didn’t know wouldn’t convince her of his 3-eyedRavenosity. Only telling her something she and few others would know could possibly convince her. Doesn’t mean he didn’t do it wrong (cuz he did).
I thought spoiler tags still worked here? Not that I have a clue as how to do them, mind you.
Thank you!
Thanks for the reminder. Whenever I’m reminded of the 1st live-action Tick, I wonder why I only remember watching a couple of episodes. Laying down the timeframe of when it premiered helps: not only was there 9/11 and network shenanigans in place, but I was a newlywed just starting grad school at night while working…
The 70s era Wonder Woman airs on Saturday nights on MeTV, so I watch it occasionally. It is silly and cheezy, full of cheesecake, bizarre alien encounters and unnecessary “cute” robots (not to mention all of the different WW costumes - one for swimming! one for motorcycle riding! I think there might have been one for…
I am going to split the difference and say, stars of old Hollywood used to be shorter (which is true of the general population), some movie and TV stars are quite a bit shorter than they appear on-screen AND that the bobblehead/lollipop generalization tends to be true: large heads/faces atop thinner than average…
I will be obvious: Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Sower and Parable of the Talents. Obvious because the heroine’s mantra, which becomes the basis for her new, post-apocalyptic religion: God is change.
Considering how hard she was dragged on Black Twitter today, I’m glad to see there’s no apparent sidewalk burns.