
I'm.. not sure that's really a good idea. But if you really think I should...

Olivia Benson is my personal hero.

Sounds good to me. If we're not going to hold these people responsible for breaking the law beyond a fine, then let's at least use the fine for something worthwhile.

I'd be ok if she fell down the stairs. Like, three, four times.

Look at this lil cutie! Someone adopt her immediately!

Are we sure she's just not watching them until the real owners get settled in Israel?

also witnessed leaving the scene.

That's the part that got me too.

"Most of them just want pets."

Down by the river?

Glad she hasn't got cancer.

"After mentioning her tumor and subsequent surgery, Elisabeth was quick to point out how thankful she was to live in a country where her ability to get said surgery was determined by how much money she makes as well as the whims of a man in a suit behind an Insurance desk.

"I am just so thankful," she said, glancing

I'm glad she's okay. I would never wish cancer on her. I wouldn't feel bad if she lost her life savings in a Madoff type pyramid scheme, though.

You're going to die of a stress-induced stroke at the age of 40 with that attitude.

Her unused explanations:

Clearly, a must-have for any hot tub room.

I thought everyone had a hot tub room decorated with portraits of themselves. It can't just be me and Colin Powell.