Miss Dorothea

Yep. Most people don’t realize how easy it is to “Weinstein” a female academic’s career. Individual professors definitely have this kind of power. I purposely chose a PhD program where my adviser would be a woman because I thought there was less risk. In academia, if your adviser doesn’t write you a letter of rec,

lol oh how I wish that were true, but there are many art historians who have FAR MORE respect for and exercise far more care toward art pieces than grad students’ bodies

Seriously. If it were the rate, I have to believe that Art History would be much higher.

“He leaned in and put his hand on my thigh, up between my legs, up my skirt, and said, ‘I didn’t listen to a damn word you said because I was too busy imagining what was under your dress.’ ”

I was demeaned by an academic in my field, and I don’t even work in academia. “You sound awfully young... Are you a secretary or something? Can I speak to your boss?” Uh, okay asshole, I’m 34, and I am the boss.

Yeah I can tell you being a woman in academia is a real sexist mindfuck thrill. I like to log in to Jezebel, be in my echo chamber a little bit, have my voice heard and interact in a silly way with a witty and wonderful commentariat. It’s been a little haven from my toxic, mansplainy world.

I’m amazed at the lack of awareness here and I don’t even have kids. I’m sure a parent would rather have a cold child versus a hungry, unsupervised, and cold child. These are the alternatives. That’s it. There is no third alternative.

Because they have jobs and can’t afford daycare?

She’s pregnant because at it’s heart this is a deeply conventional story of boring rich people. She’s pregnant because they got married, and that’s what unimaginative authors have married people do.

“We construct belonging and citizenship in ways that do not consider these genetic ancestry tests. So it’s not just a matter of what you claim, but it’s a matter of who claims you. And if no indigenous community claims you, it’s a little bit presumptuous to be running around saying ‘I am, therefore, Native American.’”

If she isn’t lying, she needs to reconnect with her father’s community before trying to speak for them.

How white is this comment.

I have been screaming this (shrilly, yes, even hysterically!) since last year, and I’ve been told over and over by people I otherwise agree with that she was such a BAD CANDIDATE. SO CORRUPT. It doesn’t even feel good to be vindicated at this point.

In the shuffling madness of the locomotive breath, runs the all time loser headlong to his death.

Thank you for this. Speaking as an African-American woman who has multiple sclerosis, I have no where else to go. I find it’s the people who are well-off, like Susan Sarandon, who want to implode the system or run away at the first sign of conflict. The problem is they never think about it from the opposite side of

Anyone else surprised that the Hilton’s table doesn’t look, well...nicer? I mean, they have eleventy billion dollars and their dining room looks like that?

In a world with a Rami Malek, Oscar Isaac and Idris Elba, there is NO excuse for this malarkey!

I’m getting married in December, and while I’d like to pretend my lack of engagement ring is because of some super-feminist stance, it’s actually because our “engagement” consisted of me asking if he wanted to get married at city hall so I can finally put him on my company health insurance policy and him saying “I’m

It’s Oklahoma. You can’t even gentrify it.