
Ah, I was the last of my friends to get married too. This meant that, as a poor twenty-something, I still had to scrape together cash to travel and gift them up (engagement party, house-warming party, bridal shower, wedding...). This meant, that as a thirty-something getting wed, those same friends flaked out, used

I realized after the last time I was invited to be a bridesmaid, that I should never be a bridesmaid again. I can’t handle putting my life aside for months for one person’s special day. I also have a no travel rule for weddings. If I can’t get there by driving, I’m not going.

If physical activity was a fail-proof antidote for depression athletes wouldn’t suffer from it.

All kidding aside, you seem to have serious issues with people who don’t work out on a regular basis.

I feel like you need to get more of those feel-good hormones coursing through your body cause you’re being kind of a jerk.

Fuck this, having kids is a perfect excuse. Exhaustion is a perfect excuse. Post partum depression or overall coming to terms with motherhood is a perfect excuse. Becoming a mom is hard, we don't need to add this body shit to it.

You certainly sound like you were raised right. . .

Relationships become about control, who controls the money and what others will have to or are willing to do to have access to that money. Also money allows you to do bad things and get away with it, so you simply keep doing bad things.

Naw, they can’t have any empathy because they’re hollow-hearted pieces of shit.

Yeah, totally, when they die. you can buy a new father, a new mother, a new son, a new husband. You can pay to have the memory of your child committing suicide in front of you neatly excised from your memory. You can heal black eyes with dollar bills.

There are a lot of people here basically saying her life was great because at least she had money to fall back on. Fuck that. These are awful awful things that happened to her and I doubt she swam in coins a la scrooge mcduck when her son committed suicide. Seriously, you can’t have any empathy for her because she has

Money often destroys families.

I can't. I mean, if I've been holding in a fart, I can choose when to let it out, but I definitely can't like... Summon a fart.

I love January Jones and following her on Instagram has sealed the deal. She is funny, and self depreciating.

My synesthesia almost landed me in a remedial writing class after some test where I described summer as the orangest season. That and I can’t tell left from right.

Yet, in mid-century Britain people could walk into a “chemist shop” (victorian CVS) and buy whichever opiates they pleased, like without even a doctor’s note.

(not that that’s a good thing... just SURREAL)

Pre-Raphaelites, man.

There seems to be a lot of conjecture and ignorance about SoulCycle going on in this thread, so here is a POV from a regular attendee:

I don’t go to Soulcycle often because I have better things to spend $34 on (i.e. wine). I will say, though, that I get it. I loved mocking it before one of my friends twisted my arm and made me go. They really nailed the combination of music, workout, and atmosphere, to the point where the inspirational shit the

every guy’s apartment i’ve been to, there have been no trash cans in the bathrooms. thank you for having tampons and i guess i’ll just put the trash in my bag.