That was meant to be snarky.
That was meant to be snarky.
That’s exactly what this is. I’m finding it strange that people aren’t picking up on it? I’m hoping that their hatred of the Kardashians is blinding them.
This makes me feel better. My mother would never forget that I hate ketchup, because I detest it. I always have, and it’s a running joke in the family. However, she is constantly forgetting what we all eat. She’ll offer me something sometimes and I have to ask her when she’s ever seen me eat that (never). Good to know…
This actually hit me right in the feels.
I know, right? I want to hate her, but ughhhh. I’m 30. My mom still tries to pawn off food whenever I come over (yes, I will gladly accept), sends me home with care packages, and drops stuff off. She’ll buy me a loaf of bread just because, cans of my favorite drinks, still buys me random boxes of tampons if they’re on…
I don’t know. That’s not good enough. IMHO, that’s not the problem. The problem is that this country is probably the most divided that it’s been politically since the Civil War.
I wasn’t a huge Obama fan from the get-go, but I voted for him in the last two elections because it always seemed like a “lesser of two evils” sort of thing. (Disclaimer before someone jumps down my throat: Completely using that figuratively, I do NOT think Obama is evil, kthanksbye).
Of course this took place at a Florida Denny’s. Of course.
Mine makes me come in person. Ugh.
Seriously. I just got up to 25 mg XR after a few years of use from 20 mg.
At the pharmacy? Filling a script? They treat you like a criminal half the time if you go somewhere else...which is why I pretty much always go to my lovely mom and pop pharmacy.
Oh JESUS. My tolerance is up after a few years, but my GP just upped me to 25 XR, and I’m 5'2" as well. Was that IR, or XR? All in one dose? Insane.
Just swallowed one before reading this article.
Agreed. However, he rings by narcissit alarm, too.
Daughter of a Narcissist
Thank you for writing everything I was thinking. My father has Narcissitic Personality Disorder. Good luck getting someone with NPD to be under care for 10 years! ;) Kanye sets my NPD alarm off, however, I do not know him in real life, and having a psychology undergraduate degree does not make me a professional (I’m…
My father sent a text to me, my mother, and my sister today. It was a picture of a subway ad for those period panties (I forget what they’re called). He said something about it sinking to a new low. I questioned him on it, then proceeded to go into a full on rant about how periods are natural/not gross, about half of…
Okay, duly noted. You hated the vagina comment. I erroneously assumed that the poster was a male, based on commentary and the username. Incorrect inference, and I have been up since 4:30 am.
I just found it rather astonishing that someone hasn’t heard of American Girl, as they’ve been popular for about a few decades…
I used to love my craft show dresses for my dolls! I had a mix of the real stuff and craft show clothes. My FAVORITE dress for my Samantha was from a craft show.
Upper classes? LOL. There have been posts on here from kids who grew up on welfare who saved their money and purchased one. Are they cheap? No. Are they completely unattainable? Nope. How is this any different than an xbox? I’ve taught in many different socioeconomic areas, and American Girl dolls are not a 1% toy. To…
I just stalked your posting history to figure out your age (can’t be too much older than me), and I just have to say that I freaking love Mo Willems, too. I teach 5th grade, and I find it terrible that I can’t read Knuffle Bunny out loud, or delight in any of the Elephant and Piggie books. WE ARE IN A BOOK.