If you have the ability to control your spending and to pay the balance each month, CCs can be a valuable tool.
If you have the ability to control your spending and to pay the balance each month, CCs can be a valuable tool.
“In 9 months you will still be able to sleep in and drink before noon.”
I don’t even use tampons (diva cup baby!!) but I would totally get behind this. I also once suggested making tampons have writing or designs in like invisible ink and then when you pull them out after you’ve finished using them, they reveal a message!
I don’t see anything mentioning bluetooth capabilities.... Not a man packaging.
Man’s tampon packaging.
I’ve heard this advice too, but it seems like waiting until literally the last possible second to claim it would counter all that hard work! Quietly claim it a few months in, duh!
I would be so fucking charitable with my winnings, no lie.
It’s not my lottery ticket but if anyone just wants to give me $60,000,000 I promise to spend it on only the finest projects, like a movie starring Jennifer Lawrence as David O. Russell.
Oh God this. I’ve been on both sides of it (karma IS a bitch) and maaaaaan is it not worth it. Especially for someone who admits to having some social issues - imagine having to rebuild your entire social circle. Because you will. Piece, by fucking piece. You cannot buy enough cats to fix what you’re contemplating…
As a guy who DID do it, I agree completely. Don’t do it. Run.
Jerk it and jerk it hard.
I’ve lost every social circle we were associated with. Especially because the entire blame was turned and placed solely on me as if I was the instigator. I accepted the blame in attempt to bury it all and move on.
Only one friend…
Dear god. As always, the comment section is a cesspool of emotional immaturity and rampant neomasculine misogyny. I love reading your stuff, Harris. It’s insightful, smart, funny and sometimes helpful! It’s a breath of fresh air in an internet filled with man-children. However, in all my time perusing your articles…
Hell naw on guy the second telling Mr. Friend. That can be spin doctored so many ways that you WILL lose all your friends. Just tell her (emphasis on being made uncomfortable) and you're now out of the loop. If she persists, ignore her completely - she's just trying to wreck friendships AND distance you from Mr.…
Conversely, if you pay off your balance every month your CC will raise your limit to try to get you to spend more than you can pay off in a month. AND... if you purchase $X every month on credit, the higher your limit is the lower the % of your available funds that $X you use every month is - which helps your credit…
I don’t think it’d quite work like that. She’s offering up that information now so that when it does inevitably happen (inevitably because she’s said it will, not necessarily a reflection of her character) she can easily point back at it and say, “See? I told you this would happen.”
This is my plan. I finally paid off all of my CC debt (yipee!), but I will continue to use the CCs to pay bills and do regular spending, then pay them off every month. That way they stay active, getting the score bonus, and I get some cash back rewards from their use. (Also, if there’s a dispute the CCs are much…
I disagree here. While I have a credit card balance at any given point in time, I pay the statement balances in full each month, have for years. My credit score is 800+.
I don’t buy that. I have several credit cards and always pay them off each month. My credit score has been as high as 826, with zero balances on credit cards.
I have to call “citation required” on that.
Agreed 100% - as I type this, I have low double digits in an auto loan (my one splurge/biggest hobby/passion) at 1.99%. I think one of the most important things is when you pick a goal/strategy is to stick with it. If you change direction too many times, you’ll get discouraged. Also, as with all goals, tracking as you…
So much this! I use 27" monitors at work, the text sizes are comical...
And then of course, the mobile optimized sites that don’t let you zoom in on your phone... What the heck?!