
Exactly. I don’t understand how this isn’t grounds for immediate arrest. Whether or not you like or even respect Obama, he is the sitting president of the United States. This guy threatened the president of our country - but of course it will undoubtedly be the blindly jingoistic right-wingers who will defend this

Anyone with legal expertise care to weigh in on what exactly the legalities are of threatening the life of the President of the United States? Would this tweet actually be considered free speech?

Now playing

JIM BELUSHI?? He is so disgusting. But actually, totally appropriate for Woody Allen. David Cross’s story about working with him on his first ever movie:

YAS. Exactly.

Tom does come across as a grown-ass man, Taylor comes off as very young, and I think that’s exactly the point. In all these staged photos he’s holding the hand of a hot young blond, leading her over rocks in Rhode Island, through fucking Roman ruins, and he’s always dressed like he’s ready for a GQ photoshoot. DUDE

I realized my mistake very shortly after making my original comment and noted it above. Definitely embarrassing. I don’t know what I was thinking ... Australia’s summer is not June - August, so why would that be when their summer break is? Thanks though for taking the time to chime in 3 days later just be a dick about

So they graduate high school in November in Australia ... that fucks up my theory.

According to australia101.com (website for people moving to Australia):

I still think she’s 30. If she was in the class of 2007, and was born in July 1990, that means she was 16 when she graduated high school, about to turn 17. Unless you skipped a grade or were left back, you turn 18 the year you graduate high school. Just because someone has pics from her high school yearbook (she

I’m sorry I’m just seeing this, thanks so much for your kind response, and your own candor. All this body bullshit takes up entirely too much space in the brains and hearts (what a perfect way to put it) of so many amazing women. I’ve often wondered what I would even *do* with all the excess mental and emotional

Thank you. At this point the only constructive thing I am able to do with these kind of feelings is to admit them ... anonymously on the internet. Not letting them be destructive is what therapy is for. I’m a work in progress.

You are a genius, and I love the way your mind works. Another genius had suggested this in another thread and I have been thinking about how amazing it would be, like what a refreshing turn of events. But I just checked online - Blake and Miranda don’t have any kids, together or from past relationships. I feel

Omg I would fucking LOVE THAT.

Thank you. I do sometimes feel threatened and/or judged by people who work very hard at being thin, and even an awareness that a lot of that stuff is projection doesn’t seem to put a dent in it. This kind of discussion does though; I really appreciate your perspective.

Same 1000x. I get that Gavin had to go, as much as it pains me (they were both a part of teen-Bob Wiley’s musical and sexual awakenings; their union was powerful for me). But to move on to Blake fucking Shelton? (I don’t believe that anyone has ever described him as well as you just did btw.) Clits and penises around

“Literally the exact same thing in literally the exact same time frame”??? That was some major shade that Gwen threw at Miranda. Actually it’s waaaaay too direct to be considered shade. In interviews, Gwen has been all I’m being so totally transparent about my life right now with my music, I’m not hiding anything, and

Fat women’s bodies in plain sight are an affront to heterosexual men. Like, “How dare you not devote your life to making yourself sexually attractive to me? If you don’t make my dick hard, how dare you not be ashamed? You should at least have the decency to live like a hermit, and cover yourself up when you must be

I loved it so much!!!!! It was just so fucking sophisticated, she should teach a class. Amber’s figured out a way to force Kim Kardashian into being *useful*, which, I mean, KK’s a lot of things, but consider the intellect it takes to think of a way to make her actually of some use to society. Like you said, KK will

Amber Rose is a saint if she doesn’t harbor a little bit of ill will toward the Kardashians after the way she was treated. She’s really taken the high road, and I feel like she’s done this so that she can use the platform for the greater good, which I respect so so much. But the wording there is just so delicious ...