
THIS. In the argument over whether KK qualifies as a feminist ally (or icon), most of what people say can ultimately place them in one of two camps: she’s a brilliant business woman or she’s an opportunistic slut. Both sides miss the point (the latter also being cruel and inappropriate). Everything you mentioned is so

Can Nikki Blonksky please please please be given at least a cameo in this? Her twitter is kind of hilarious but also really fucking depressing.

I can totally relate. I really loved Ruby Sparks. Messina has a small part in this movie as well, the brother of the author of Ruby’s life. I haven’t seen it since before I started watching the Mindy Project. At the time I didn’t give his character too much thought, he seemed kind of just there to move the plot

That was so horrifying. I remember the response to viewer backlash from Kaling, “there was no sexual peril in there” ... Are you serious, Mindy?!? I thought it was really dangerous to be so cavalier about it, like “oh this is just a thing that happens in relationships, nbd.” It was rape. You don’t expect, watching a

YAS!!! Finally a voice of reason. Danny is a controlling, verbally abusive, manipulative prick. I hate him so much that I now hate Chris Messina, too, and will avoid movies/tv shows that I know he’s in. I haven’t followed TMP to Hulu (I was put off by the pregnancy story line), but even the possibility that Mindy

I chortled, so thanks for that. Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, Bill Cosby, Don Vito ... why do so many of the great visionaries of our time have to be sexual predators?

Embarrassed to know this, but Don Vito is Bam Margera’s uncle, not his father. He was also a pederast who groped two 12 year old girls at a shopping mall. Not a huge loss tbh.


Could the book be the dictionary?

The name of the director of Birdman is Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu.

How have I not heard about this? Where did you find them?!?!

There's a distinction between demonizing the act of hitting children, and demonizing people who have hit their children. It's completely unfair, and unnecessary, to go back in time and castigate people who acted with the best of intentions based on the knowledge at their disposal. I just meant that, in 2014,

You are so on point. Bodily autonomy is a human right. Spanking demonstrates to a child that this right is not unequivocal; exceptions exist when the violation is made by someone who loves you and has a "good reason." I think the danger implicit in internalizing this belief-structure speaks for itself.

Is demonizing the act of hitting children seriously a problem? You are not allowed to hit anyone - why on earth would defenseless CHILDREN be the lone exception to that rule? The idea that there is a spectrum of attitudes about hitting children, and that somewhere on this spectrum exists a rational, reasoned argument

My point ... you missed it, entirely. What I was saying was that if a 25 year old woman in Manhattan can't easily access Plan B, and has internalized the shame of engaging in sexual behavior to the point that she would not even give her first name for the article, imagine how the rest of the country is faring. How is

An adult woman in a (relatively) liberal-minded city of 8 million people is embarrassed to give out even her first name in an article about purchasing Plan B. Doesn't that sort of say it all?

You defend a rich 20 year old white girl's right to be an asshole and dismiss black people with legitimate criticisms about her as "haters," and you think I'm the racist for guessing that you're white? Seriously? If there's anything white people love, it's telling black people to stop making things about race, when

So what you're saying is that you're white.

I could not get passed the fact that she didn't list him as the father on the birth certificate. She was mentally ill but also a highly intelligent lawyer. She surely knew it would be difficult/impossible for Sporn to gain custodial rights over the child in the event of her death. I can't help but feel it was