
Not necessarily true about landlines, or at least not for everyone. Many don’t actually use phone lines anymore, they use the internet, and the modem on your phone needs electricity to work.

The combination of her turn in Aloha and being Woody Allen’s most recent ingenue kind of put me off of Emma Stone. Maybe this will win me back?

When I started 1st grade (NYC, 1989), in my neighborhood at least, everyone went to Catholic school, and it was basically free. The tuition was $20-$25/week, but if you were a parishioner and you couldn’t afford it, they’d give you a break. The teachers told us that public schools were basically violent anarchist

My dad and his younger sister are 1 year apart (almost to the day), but he was left back in 1st grade, so they did the sacraments together. There was a framed picture of them at their communion on top of the television at my grandmother’s apartment. I was so fucking confused by it for what seemed like ages, but I

It’s infuriating when people question the morality of non-believers. If you need commandments to tell you not to murder and lie and steal ... I don’t know what to say to you. Secular humanist 4 life!

I’m so impressed. Maybe it’s because I went to Catholic school, but not getting confirmed never entered my mind as being within the realm of possibility. Pretty sure my mom would have beaten the shit out of me for suggesting it. I attempted to “come out” to her as an atheist like 6-7 years ago (I’m 32). She totally

I don’t allow talk about Christianity in my home unless we also talk about how it is very unlikely to be true if you really think about it.


I was just looking at the website for I Am Chris Farley. Apparently the producers already made I Am Evel Knievel, I Am Steve McQueen, and I Am Bruce Lee. So I guess it’s not a new concept then.

Per Wikipedia, the Chris Farley doc was released in August 2015 on Spike TV. That doesn’t necessarily mean Spike produced it though. I was thinking that maybe they were just piggy-backing off the success of it to start a series of similar documentaries.

Absolutely, no doubt. I was thinking of it myself at the time. My whole family cried, but she took it to a whole other level, especially compared to her muted responses to pretty much everything else that ever happened, so it was a bit darkly funny.

My grandmother (Irish Catholic) took to her bed and wailed for 2 days straight when John-John died. We shared a bedroom at the time (I was like 15) so it was a real treat. That first day, when it hadn’t been confirmed that he was dead yet, was the worst. In between sobs she would just randomly yell things out,“THEY’RE

Is Spike going to be doing a series of “I Am ...” documentaries about gone-to-soon dudes? They just had “I Am Chris Farley” on the other day.

I took it as, because I have an illness, I can tell you that Roger Ailes doesn’t prey on people who don’t 100% live up to his expectations/demands. I guess since Roger Ailes didn’t fire Cavuto for taking time off to have surgery, he wouldn’t fire women for not fucking him?

I’m right there with you. I feel like part of thinking critically is letting shit like this exist side-by-side, you know? We can acknowledge the profound importance of Loving v. Virginia without wildly romanticizing the actual personal relationship between the Lovings. The impulse to idolize the relationship is

YAS I fucking love this. St. Vincent chose to suck all the life and joy out of this song (for whatever reason) but this guy turned it into actual fire.

Yikes, I didn’t actually mean to say the only security, I meant the only police security. I personally don’t think that their absence actually put anyone in danger. I meant more like, as long as they consider themselves important/relevant (which I certainly think they do), they would regard their absence as putting

Fucking 42 police officers were shot and killed in the US in 2015, while over 13,000 children were killed by gun violence. It is literally hundreds of times more dangerous in the United States to simply be a child than it is to be a cop.

These supposedly “good” cops abandoned and endangered the people they are sworn and paid to protect ... because of hurt feelings. Compare that to the dishwasher at Yale who broke a window over so much more than hurt feelings, it was straight-up degradation - he didn’t put hundreds of people in danger the way these

I feel like they are doubling-down on doing whatever the fuck they want. If they are seen as scaling back, it’s like an implicit admission of guilt.