He's great, but his character gets saddled with some of the sappiest lines.
He's great, but his character gets saddled with some of the sappiest lines.
Menopause rocks.
125% - 150% of what you were being paid before. You'll have to do your own social security and taxes, and you won't have any benefits.
*Miss Anthropy signs up for drywall-hanging class.*
I hate people, and I especially hate people in my space, but could you just go away without dying under a freeway overpass? That seems excessive.
Also, there usually aren't that many people to talk to at length at the liquor store.
You left out the most important part: What does your cat think about the situation?
The last person I "super liked" turned out to be a raving gun nut, so at least you're ahead of me.
Last week, when Jesse said to Leeann, "If I die, I want you to live" (or something similar), I almost threw up. But then that girl whose mother was giving her thyroid meds on the sly had a seizure, so I was able to go on.
As someone who has watched Code Black from the beginning, I can tell you that it is absolutely thoroughly completely mediocre. The medical parts are interesting, but the interpersonal parts are pretty fucking soap-y.
Your parents and meth … that seems really bizarre to me. Probably because my dad was an oral surgeon and my mother was a snob and a social climber. We didn't do anything royalty wouldn't do.
You're not doing these too often. I hope you'll continue.
Please don't make me do the research to find out.
When I was in journalism school, I actually saw two professors in an argument over the serial comma that nearly turned into a fistfight.
He's probably not even going to question brown people about whether they're Muslim. He's just going to also deny entry to Hindus, Sikhs, etc. Anybody who's the 'wrong' color.
W and other influential Republicans not currently running for president should be denouncing Trump at every turn. Loudly. From the rooftops. They should be exposing his lies and his inhumane and unconstitutional plans, in detail. Everywhere, including on Fox News.
Words fail me, so yeah, what you said.
I have that. It suuuuucks. It mostly affects joints in the fingers, so I can see where it would be a problem for a musician.
Is he missing?
"Fly by Night"
"Working Man"
"The Trees"
"A Passage to Bangkok"
"Closer to the Heart"
"Lakeside Park"
all of "2112"