
Weened = weaned. Am I the only one who cringes at spelling errors? The editing area of my brain never shuts off.

This is why we can’t have nice things.

Everyone has to give their two cents, whether or not they’re qualified to do so. In this case, it seems to me that people tend to project their own neuroses on infants/toddlers, who by nature are unable to either be manipulative in such a manner or take care of their own needs at all. Sleep training? Ludicrous and

Pre-verbal children often cry to communicate need because they lack the verbal skills to tell you about those needs. Toddlers are only just beginning to understand spatial relationships, time and their own way of being in the world. A crying baby isn’t being malicious, only trying to get their basic needs met. Infants

I take it you don’t have kids.

40, waist length hair and a toddler! I love my long hair and will NEVER cut it.

You’re assuming s/he was refused service recently. If s/he grew up in the 50s, it is indeed possible that service was refused him/her. Civil rights didn’t come into play until 1964, and clearly it took a while to take effect.

Ugh, those people are the worst. I get the same crap. Worse, my ObGyn hassles me about when I'm going to have another. I adore my daughter but I feel no need to provide her with a sibling, and I'm happy with that decision. Honestly, hell is THOSE people!

The opulent who? "Opulent" is an adjective, not a noun.

That's just your lady, dude. This lady always closes containers tightly. There are no stale crackers or toothpaste squiggles in this house.

Ugh, my thoughts exactly. Bowl of dicks. Eat them. Gah.

Ha! I do this with my cat, except ALL the words to the songs are my cat's name. His name is Meat.

Cerberus is by far the best name I've heard for an IUD.

Palette = palate. A palette is something with which you paint. A palate is in your mouth. The grammarian in me couldn't let it go.

This this this! You beat me to the punch, so to speak. Let them fight to the death!

Durian itself isn't so bad but the crackers and other assorted snack products made of durian are what's vomitous. An old roommate left durian wafers on the kitchen counter and they made the entire main floor of the house smell like rotting garbage. Ick.

No, that's dachshunds. Dachshund means "badger dog" in German.

A pad user could slap the guard in the face with the bloody pad. That's almost as satisfying as hurling a bloody tampon.

Dude, no, look at your pic closer, you are wearing JELLY SANDALS. I am in love. Love, do you hear? You were my shoe and bangs twin.

Most excellent Dune paraphrase!