
Ugh, those people are the worst. I get the same crap. Worse, my ObGyn hassles me about when I'm going to have another. I adore my daughter but I feel no need to provide her with a sibling, and I'm happy with that decision. Honestly, hell is THOSE people!

That's just your lady, dude. This lady always closes containers tightly. There are no stale crackers or toothpaste squiggles in this house.

Ugh, my thoughts exactly. Bowl of dicks. Eat them. Gah.

Ha! I do this with my cat, except ALL the words to the songs are my cat's name. His name is Meat.

Cerberus is by far the best name I've heard for an IUD.

Palette = palate. A palette is something with which you paint. A palate is in your mouth. The grammarian in me couldn't let it go.

This this this! You beat me to the punch, so to speak. Let them fight to the death!

Durian itself isn't so bad but the crackers and other assorted snack products made of durian are what's vomitous. An old roommate left durian wafers on the kitchen counter and they made the entire main floor of the house smell like rotting garbage. Ick.

No, that's dachshunds. Dachshund means "badger dog" in German.

A pad user could slap the guard in the face with the bloody pad. That's almost as satisfying as hurling a bloody tampon.

Dude, no, look at your pic closer, you are wearing JELLY SANDALS. I am in love. Love, do you hear? You were my shoe and bangs twin.

I may be a cat person but anyone who throws puppies needs to rot in hell for all eternity. I would have come unglued if I had wittnessed this.

My thoughts exactly. If someone told this tripe to my daughter when she turns 13, I would beat him/her with a large stick.

Corgis losing their shit is the shit! This makes me miss my corgi and wiener dog. Little long low to the ground dogs rule.

Ask if he would be okay with fostering a dog temporarily while the rescue shelter it comes from finds it a forever home. This may help him get used to the idea of adopting a dog while experiencing firsthand how awesome and rewarding pets are. Plus you would be helping a shelter out AND be saving a dog's life.

It is "yarbles," not "garbles." You eunuch jelly, thou.

I am wearing purple polish now that I have had since 1999 and is still perfect in the bottle. It never separates and it NEVER FREAKING RUNS OUT. Dead serious. It is possessed and I love it.

I really love it how you say you don't believe this and everyone freaks out and wants you banned because everything you read here is really true for reals and no one ever makes stuff up ever. Contrary indeed.

I lost my milk in one breast but kept it in the other. The baby latched from the getgo no probs and is a great feeder. I thought I was a freak for getting milk drunk but it has kept the ppd at bay, so grateful. And the erotic side? We love it! A total bonus as far as I'm concerned.