
Really enjoyed the article. I personally love the character of Homelander in The Boys. He is so unapologetically evil and revels in it. If only we could unmask the lying hypocrites masquerading as good guys. If only we could rip those masks off and see what’s really underneath. 

You’ve just described my good friend Karen. Oh wait what do we call men who go around blaming everyone else for their problems and never taking any fucking responsibility?

I love his indomitable will. That he hasn’t shut down his humanity in the face of adversity. He could have easily become a self obsessed victim and allowed his illness to make him cruel and bitter. But he hasn’t. That is true courage. I have always loved all his 80s movies, but I admire him more now.

Agree. She’s done Hamlet and Taming of the Shrew, so now maybe ‘The comedy of errors’. Surprised she didn’t mention Mona Lisa’s Smile and The Prince and Me. Really loved her in both of them.

I think representation and racism are two different issues. I think the UK has always worked very hard to be inclusive and have wider representation. However, racism is a different kettle of fish and I don’t think there has been enough focus on that. In my work tea room last year, one of my colleagues asked me why

You might be right, I only know of what happens in the US through the media. I can only comment on the UK. Institutional racism here is covered up with deadly politeness and humour. Minorities still make up a very small proportion of the general population - which means you might be the first person of your colour,

How did I forget the gem that is Pinky and the Brain, brain, brain, brain...have the theme stuck in my head. Gee Brain, what do you want to do tonight...

We didn’t have a Tower Records where I lived. But I remember making my pilgrimage to the one in Singapore, while on holiday when I was 12. And spending hours browsing. I came away with Backstreet’s Back (I was obsessed with the ‘Everybody’ single and Nick Carter) and Aquarium by Aqua!!

I love Shuri but I really hope they recast the Black Panther while acknowledging Boseman’s work. 

You might be right. Looks like I’ll need to start collecting hard copies of movies from my childhood to preserve any of it. All studios are coming under pressure to rewrite their past, if 2020 has been anything to go by. I can see Aladdin, Pocahontas and Peter Pan - three of my all time favourites coming under fire.

Wonder what tidings fear over a female half Black/half South Asian VP will bring. Britain has already seen the end result of the rise in the far right through Brexit and the potential for the 4 nations to breakaway in the near future.

LOL! I love the USA...fuck yeah this place is great. Land of the free, I’m on my way!

People on this site terrify me. Some sound like real sanctimonious shits anyways (myself included). I would hate to run into them in real life. We talk about inclusivity, but really we want everyone to fit the new ‘norm’ or be cancelled. Oh wait, that’s me since io9 is determined to censor my posts...lol!

I couldn’t do it. The only stories I could write after that would have been about systematically destroying assholes masquerading as men ;)

But it’s such fun to pretend our views matter outside of the little pond that is this community. I am sure it makes me feel very virtuous and  self righteous to sit in judgment :)

Another one bites....another one bites....another one bites the dust. Pun intended. I have a soft spot for werewolves and most things magic. Season 1 was good fun and Randall was a fun irreverent werewolf. But season 2 was ruined by too much Gabrielle who was so irritating.

Here is Gone is the anthem of my life. I really like Iris too - although the link between stalker anthem and democracy evades me :)

Poor Star Lord! You will always be Bright from Everwood.

I would actually love to see a live action version of Brave.

Why Disney why? You seem determined to destroy my childhood. Leave the past alone and get some better scriptwriters for some fresh material.