
Another one bites....another one bites....another one bites the dust. Pun intended. I have a soft spot for werewolves and most things magic. Season 1 was good fun and Randall was a fun irreverent werewolf. But season 2 was ruined by too much Gabrielle who was so irritating.

Here is Gone is the anthem of my life. I really like Iris too - although the link between stalker anthem and democracy evades me :)

Poor Star Lord! You will always be Bright from Everwood.

Nooo...Jane Austen is turning in her grave!

I have never liked the rise in the use of colour to define race - it’s like we have now come full circle. I was actually referencing the comment in the article about brown people and terrorism, but I completely take your point. I have always been slightly amused by how the Middle East generally don’t want to be

Wow! It sounds like a pile of garbage. There are so many things this show could focus on - particularly around the dehumanization of refugees. ‘They have blood in their veins and they cry when in pain.’ Instead the focus (based on this article) seems to be on perpetuating Islamophobia and colouring the entire brown

I watched Heartburn for the first time a couple of years ago. It was really hard to think of all she endured and then she goes onto write such beautiful romances. 

I agree. Amy Adams is beautiful and I thought her performance in Enchanted was extraordinary. She brought so much wonder and grace to the role. I think she gave a stronger performance than Emma Stone in La La Land. Maybe I feel that way because I didn’t enjoy the ending of La La Land and Emma’s singing was a little

I loved it. Lily Collins is gorgeous and it was a dreamy feel good watch. The French actress who plays Sylvie is stunning!

Poor Britney! She’s so lucky, she’s a star...but she cry-cry-cries in her lonely heart.

I love You’ve Got Mail and Sleepless in Seattle. They always come out around this time of year as part of my holiday movie arsenal. Maybe it’s the hopeless romantic in me, but there’s just something charming and endearing about them. Glad to see Scent of a Woman on the list - Hoo Ah!

Wow! That trailer is a snoozefest. I have loved Melissa McCarthy since her Sookie days on Gilmore Girls. But I am not a fan of the the crass OTT vulgar comedy trap she sometimes falls into. Am I the only one who hated Bridesmaids...ok, I guess I am. She was brilliant in Spy and Can you ever forgive me. Shame this one

How is Grey’s not over yet? I watched it when it first came out, while I was in medical school! Sadly real life medicine wasn’t quite so ridiculously dramatic, or filled with McDreamies and McSteamies - or maybe thankfully not. Started to go off the show once they started killing off most of the original cast members

LOL! Surprised she didn’t catch a cold. Katy Louise Saunders is gorgeous but I always find it interesting that we push forth female empowerment hand in hand with objectification. The two concepts seem so diametrically opposed.

Slightly indefensible but I enjoyed it and will watch S3. Yes, it was all over the place...and the writing could be better but..shrugs...

Why create fantasy monsters...there are plenty walking the earth masquerading as humans.

Sometimes people are fired. There isn’t always a personal agenda. Not every pity party needs to be plastered over social media. Shit happens. Move on.

Why does this genre still sell? The same basic stories over and over again...

Glad to see America finally catching up a little with the rest of the world where women have been prime ministers and presidents for the past 60 years.