
George was my favorite.

He informed one of his ex-wives that he was divorcing her by fax. This was pre-texting days. He was on tour and didn’t want to strain his voice. Guy’s an asshole.

Johnny Cash once sat at the table next to mine at the Bottom Line on night. He had the courtesy to not pester me the entire evening. I remember giving him a grateful nod as I left.

Whereas Phil’s such a nice man. Oh wait, no he isn’t. He made millions from that shitty song about homelessness, refused to give any money to charity for it, and then threatened to leave the country if Labour got in because he feared paying more tax towards public services.

she was both “troubled” and that rape fantasies were a topic of conversation he brought up apparently.

John Oliver could butter my biscuits. That is all.

God he is so disgusting.

Is there an alternate alternate timeline where that John Edwards is the fake psychic instead of the fake family values candidate?

I found chat rooms in the 90s, at 13. My dumbass, neglected, abused self would’ve thrown herself at the opportunity to have a father figure show love, in any form. Shame on you, Weiner.

Hi guys, just popped in from the timeline where Weiner and John Edwards are this year’s Democratic ticket, and want to let you know that things aren’t great there, either.

Really. For every happy self-content old/fat woman out there enjoying sex, there are 15 young/skinny women who avoid sex or turn the light out because her ex-boyfriend 5 years ago once said her thighs were fat. People scoff at this as shallow, but the damage is real. We’re never good enough, always Less Than,

Come on people! If this was true we’d never be “on top” - bouncy, jiggly much? I am much more likely to avoid sex, not because of how I look, but because of how I feel - about potential partners.

That glass butt plug is a terrible idea.

I mean, I’m 40lbs overweight and haven’t had sex in almost 2 years because the thought of getting naked with someone sends me into an absolute panic. But fuck WW for contributing to and trying to capitalize on my insecurities.

Quit yer whinin’ until you have to measure your dry spells in terms of natural disasters and presidential terms.

Yes! Let’s totally perpetuate the idea that thin people don’t have any insecurities, that they never go through a dry spell, (especially after a baby) and all your problems just go away after you lose weight. Also, while we’re at it - why don’t they do one of those fun commercials where a now very thin lady is

I do not enjoy sex because I have not had any in months.

Wow, they’re taking gaslighting into the 21st century!

Dear Weight Watchers on The Wall,