
“The bigger issue for me is that it opens up the gateway to mandate my body. I hate the idea that some man is going to tell me what I can and can’t do.”


Oh man, totally tearing up right now. I read your comment and was like “Hey that reminds me of a story where I’m pretty sure my dad ( who passed away 3 years ago) helped me.” I typed it all up, and then thought better about posting it and just felt a little warm and fuzzy about thinking about dads reaching out in nice

There’s a This American Life Episode about saying goodbye and one of the acts is about the Japanese wind telephone. It’s basically an old phone both where people go to speak to the dead. I sobbed. If you’re up to it it’s worth a listen.

I went to university in Edinburgh, and I LOVED it. I’m not a superstititous person so the history of death is more interesting from a morbid curiosity than the ghost angle, but all the ghost tours kind of piss me off. Like AT BEST you are EXPLOITING innocent ghosts that are stuck?? Really bummed me out.

He’s the biggest producer in Hollywood (and the most well known award season campaigner). Actors who want longevity in their careers (and fame AND Oscar noms/wins) will NEVER take a stand against him.. I’ll bet you a cold one that once Harvey dies, 6893481298598 negative stories about him will surface.

is it too much to ask another “feminist” in hollywwod to back Rose up and call out harvey as well? I get the icks thinking about ppl like jlaw with him, it’s pretty obvious.

About two years after my dad died, he started appearing in my dreams and he was angry at me. He kept telling me I needed to go to the doctor and he was angry that I hadn’t. I had skipped my annual three years running (I know) mainly because I am in my mid 30s and no issues in the past and they say you don’t actually

I hope he is calling to hear your voice, too. :)

My grandmother passed after a years-long battle with dementia. I was at home when I got the call from my mom letting me know she was gone. I was folding laundry at the time, and after hanging up the phone, I went to put some clothes away in my daughter’s room. I consider myself a skeptic and always try to look for a

Dunno if this is scary enough, but I suffer from sleep paralysis. What does this mean? When I’m at the soft edges of dreaming reality blurs into nightmare for me.

Growing up, my grandparents had the graduation pictures of my dad, uncle, and aunt lining the staircase wall. My dad died almost 28 years ago and I was a child when he died. But I once overheard how my grandparents were talking about my dad to some family friends (within the week or so after he died) in the living

My Mom passed two years ago, and my Dad has gotten several missed calls from her. As in, the caller ID says the house phone called (where he lives), wasn’t answered, and left a silent message. How does that happen?

Less than a year after my dad died, we got a phone call and the caller ID listed the number as our old house (we’d moved a couple months before he died). When my mom answered, there was no one there. She called back, thinking the new owners of the house had a question or found something of ours in the house or

I lost my beloved grandmother almost exactly two years ago, and this story made me tear up at my desk.

I haven’t had any real experiences with ghosts, but I do get Feelings that go off in certain places (I’m sure everyone does), and Edinburgh was the wooooorst for me. I was so uncomfortable the entire time, and after I looked up the amount of death in that city, it made more sense why.

This is such a nice way to be contacted by a ghost! I had a vivid, sad dream soon after my grandmother died, where I was crying very hard and she was talking to me, telling me to calm down and that it would be alright. I woke up with tears on my face, and feeling like she actually talked to me.

This is less scary and just paranormal..

My good friend-let’s call her Jane to protect her identity- told me her ghost story last year, and since then it has been confirmed to me by several people who were around at the time. It took place back in the late 90's when she was in her early 20's.

I should preface this by saying that I have never seen a ghost or had any weird experiences, but my mom, who must be more sensitive than I am, has them constantly. She’s had multiple family members appear to her after they died (as has my grandma), she’s had ghosts appear and react to her presence simply because she